Tuesday, August 22, 2023

review: r.e.m. beauty gogo boots eyeshadow palette

The hardest part of taking a vacation? Getting caught up on life afterward. I am doing my best, but it is certainly a bit of an adjustment. Fingers crossed I will be able to ease back into things in the next day or so. Until then...I wanted to talk a little bit about some makeup that I have been using recently. It was back in May that my mom and I took a short day trip over the border to do a little shopping. During that time, we were able to stop in at Ulta Beauty. It was there that I was able to take a peek at some r.e.m. beauty products. I'd heard quite a bit about the brand, since I am a fan of Ariana Grande, but since the products were not available to purchase in Canada, it wasn't a brand that I anticipated being able to use. Since there was a small display at the Ulta Beauty store we visited, it made sense to choose something special. I am an eyeshadow lover, so of course, it had to be an eyeshadow palette. There were a couple of options, but Gogo Boots ultimately won out. The colours just called to me. Ready to find out how it performed? Here is everything you need to know about this colourful release.

Right off the bat, the r.e.m. beauty eyeshadow palettes stand out. The packaging is totally different to anything else out there. According to Ariana Grande, the intention was to make the shape of the palette look like "some sort of communication device from space or the far, far future." It definitely has that outer space 60s retro future vibe. I absolutely love it. The palette itself is silver and has a raised sort of design on the top. It is so unusual in the best possible way. The Gogo Boots palette cost $24 USD, which was much less than anticipated. With so many palettes costing more and more these days, it was nice to see something that was both unique and affordable. So often, innovative packaging is sacrificed to cut down on the costs...which is totally understandable. That being said, r.e.m. beauty seems to have struck a good balance between design and cost. 

There is a lot to love about this eyeshadow palette. A lot. In addition to the unique design of the palette, there are the actual colours to talk about. The Gogo Boots palette has a shimmery champagne colour, a shimmery taupe, shimmery lilac, matte teal, shimmery burgundy, and a shimmery plum.  Such an unusual collection of colours and yet...it seems to make perfect sense. In addition to the wonderful colours, the actual eyeshadow formula was also really impressive. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the mattes are so creamy and pigmented. It really doesn't take much to create something special. For example, the makeup look pictured above, made use of that taupe colour. I applied that all over the lid and then added a bit of the plum colour in the outer corner for a bit of depth. It is such a simple look but it made me feel like a million bucks! I just adore that taupe shade. It is by far my favourite in the palette. As for the teal matte shade, the pigmentation is there, but it needs to be built up more than the shimmer shades. Want to see that particular shadow in action? Not to worry. There will be a 2 looks 1 palette post dedicated to this r.e.m. beauty eyeshadow palette in the next little while. So, be sure to stay tuned.

All in all, the r.e.m. beauty eyeshadow palette in Gogo Boots really wowed. I wasn't quite sure what to expect in terms of the quality, but the formula was really impressive. Especially those shimmer shades! They are all really easy to use and have such a dramatic finish. I look forward to creating lots and lots of makeup looks using this standout eyeshadow palette in the days and weeks to come. Though I can't speak to all of the other r.e.m. beauty products, this particular palette really wowed. 

Have you tried anything from r.e.m. beauty? What was your experience like with the brand?


  1. That looks beautiful.💙

  2. Beautiful palette😍


  3. I agree, catching up after a vacation is not for the faint-hearted!
    What a gorgeous palette, the colours are just fantastic and I'm loving the simplicity of its packaging. But you actually got me at the name Gogo boots :-) xxx

    1. Not at all! It takes so much work! Oh, I love the name Gogo Boots, too! So fun.

  4. This box is pretty nice, I love the variety of products. Yes my mom was pretty happy about the popcorn, she loves salted popcorn. The beauty products sound so good =)

    Great review, this palette looks nice and I love the colours. The last two shades would be my favourites. Your make up look is super cute <3

    1. Thank you! The last two shades are so gorgeous and warm!

  5. Oh wow! This palette looks awesome, and you look fab as always in the FOTD! That's great you were able to visit Ulta, Shannon. I wish we have it here in Canada too....booo!
    PS Hope you had a lovely vacay as well:)

    1. I wish we had it here, too! There are some different brands that would be nice to try out :D

  6. Hi dear, I must say I like to read your reviews because of how nice they are. This eyeshadow is nice.


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