Tuesday, September 12, 2023

mini fall winners haul (accessories and makeup)

On September 1st...I was itching for fall. Though technically, the fall season doesn't start until September 23rd, in my mind, once September arrived, all bets were off. That day, I pulled out the decorations from the storage closet and planned to put out a few autumn decor pieces. Well, by the end of it, the living room was decorated for both the fall season and Halloween. Oops! To be honest, I was in my glory that day. There was a Vanilla Pumpkin candle from Leyland & Body Works lit, Phantom of the Megaplex was on in the background, and decorations were scattered everywhere. The only problem? I was missing a seasonal tablecloth. My old one had fallen apart and needed to be replaced, so I asked my husband if we could pop over to Winners and take a peek at what was there. We ended up finding a beautiful fall tablecloth (which is used as the backdrop in the photos for this particular blog post)...but I also found a few additional items. On that note, here is a mini fall Winners haul. 

Seasonal Accessories. In addition to the fall themed tablecloth, there were also a few accessories at the front of the store that stood out. I have a serious weakness for anything Betsey Johnson, because I love how fun and whimsical her designs are. My husband pointed out the pink and blue pencil shaped earrings and instantly told me to purchase them. Since my life essentially revolves around the written word (in terms of both work and my hobbies)...these were too perfect to resist. The other earrings shown are from Bella Jack. There were a bunch of spooky Halloween themed earrings available and though plenty of them caught my attention, there was really no contest. I mean, the earrings had a safety pin inspired design and sparkly black cats. 

Cute and Colourful Temporary Tattoos. Over the last several months, temporary tattoos have been my favourite little add on. I found a set of them from Inked by Dani at Winners previously. There were little heart designs, happy faces, and inspirational words. As someone who has always wanted a few tattoos (but has a serious fear of pain)...these have been a really fun addition. When I saw a set of Nail Art Tattoos that can be used on the nails and on the skin, it was a no brainer. Especially because these are so well suited for the fall season. There are ghosts, spiderwebs, pumpkins, moons, candy, bats, and other seasonal symbols. Plus, there are stars, moons, crystals, dinosaurs, and other cute tattoos. I cannot wait to use these on my nails and on my hands. What a fun way to celebrate all things fall. Bonus? There were four sheets of these temporary tattoos. 

Minnie Mouse Eyeshadow Palette. Okay....I know I said I was easing off on buying new makeup. The truth is that there are a ton of items that I still want to review here on Mansa Fashion. I have a backlog of sorts, because my loved ones often gift me beauty products and I have a habit of purchasing things for myself as well. I am working on this! However, it is hard to say no to a Minnie Mouse Eyeshadow Palette for less than $10 CDN. Themed palettes are always my weakness, especially when that theme is Disney related. As you can see from the photo above, there are some really beautiful warm shimmers in this palette. These colours are definitely in my comfort zone. I especially love the look of Be You and 100% Fabulous. Those shimmers are hard to resist. Stay tuned for a review at some point in the hopefully not so distant future. 

Care Bears Eyeshadow Palette. I am so stranger to Care Bears themed makeup releases. The Violet Voss Care Bears palettes have been used time and time again in my home. I just love the vibrant colours and the cute theme. Despite already having two Care Bears palettes...this one had such cute and classic Care Bears artwork on the front. The colours inside were also really intriguing. I love the soft pastels and the warm burnt orange. Some immediate standouts include Friendship Goals, Caring Is Magic, and Together We Care. With a price of less than $10 CDN, this checked off all the boxes. When will I actually review this on the blog? That remains to be seen, but trust that there will be a post dedicated to this adorable palette in future. 

I went into Winners for a tablecloth and came out with accessories, temporary tattoos, and a couple of affordable makeup palettes. Story of my life! At least now, my fall season will be overloaded with all sorts of beautiful things. 

Have you done any shopping lately? Do you like to decorate for the fall season? 


  1. I love the fall season too <3 Thanks, I like my new decoration too, this owl is super cute <3

    Great haul =) I like this stuff. The eyeshadow palettes are super cute, Minnie Mouse would be my favourite for fall because of the many brown shades <3

    1. Yes it's really sad when a product with two scents only smell like one scent :D I like coconut so much more than flowers and this smells only like flowers.

    2. Thank you so much! I've actually been using it a lot lately!

  2. Cute mini fall haul

  3. Love your new tablecloth and earrings, and of course it would have been downright criminal not to buy those palettes! xxx

  4. Very cute post.


  5. Awwww the eyeshadow palette of Minnie was My fab item, the colors are ideal for autumn. Kisses!

  6. Die Sticker sind ja richtig süß. LG Romy


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