Monday, September 18, 2023

my favourite eyebrow products

I have always had a difficult relationship with my eyebrows. When I was younger, my grandmother told me my eyebrows were "strong" and urged me never to pluck them. Unlike the other girls in my classes, my eyebrows were bushy, large, and out of control. I felt so ashamed of them. (Especially when the ultra thin brow trend was around.) Eventually, I did pluck my unruly brows, but to this day, that shame lingers just below the surface. Even plucked and eyebrows don't match. I learned this after booking an appointment to have them waxed once. The woman at the salon told me that one eyebrow was shorter than the other and one had more hair than the other. Her comments were probably meant to be harmless, but I remember feeling that familiar sting of shame. And I never went back to get my eyebrows waxed. I was too embarrassed. So, when it comes to brow products, having things that work well and make me feel semi-confident is everything. It's why I tend to use the same things on my eyebrows over and over again. On that note, here are my favourite eyebrow products. 

Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil. By far my favourite, but least used, eyebrow product is from Benefit. The Goof Proof Brow Pencil was something my mom received in a beauty subscription box but passed on to me because it was the wrong colour for her. (The one shown above is 3.5, which is described by the brand as being a neutral medium brown. It works really well for me!) This product has an angled shape that makes it ridiculously easy to shape and define the brows. The product glides on effortlessly and lasts all day. As someone who often stresses out eyebrows, this takes away all of the stress, struggle, and shame. I am obsessed. The only downside? The price. This costs $35 CDN, which is far more than other brow products out there. That is why I tend to use this when I am going out somewhere rather than for everyday use. Whenever the current pencil I have is used up, another will be purchased, despite the higher cost. This really is a standout product.

Essence Eyebrow Designer Brow Pencils. As you can see from the picture above, my most used brow product comes from Essence. The Eyebrow Designer Brow Pencils were originally purchased back in 2020 during the pandemic. I needed a new eyebrow pencil and rarely left the house. On a visit to the drugstore, the pencil was added to my shopping basket on a whim. I needed something and it was the cheapest option. Since then? I have gone through several of these pencils. I usually buy them in two different shades: Brown and Hazelnut. I like using the slightly slighter pencil for more natural at-home looks and the darker shade when I want to be a little more polished and put together. These are great because the product applies easily, adds colour and shape, and makes me feel a whole lot better about my brows. These pencils are teeny tiny at this point, but don't worry, there are backups ready to be used. These are brow products that I do not want to be without!

Mark. Perfect Brow Styling Duo. I am not someone who orders from Avon, but my mom does from time and time. When I first started wearing makeup, she gifted me the Perfect Brow Styling Duo. And whenever she placed an order, she would add on another brow duo for me. It came with a wax, brow powder, and small applicator brush. It was what I used for a long, long, long time. As I started to use different products, the Perfect Brow Styling Duo kind of fell by the wayside. (This product creates a more natural finish, but most of the time, I like to reshape my brows so they match better.) However, she recently gifted me a new one to see if it was something that I might like to use again. This is a brow product that I really like for at home days, running errands, or a more natural finish. It works well, is easy to use, and stays put. It has been really nice to use it again. 

There you have it! Those are my favourite eyebrow products. Though my relationship with my eyebrows may still be a bit challenging at is nice to have an assortment of makeup items that make me feel more confident about them.

Have you tried any of these eyebrow products before? What do you like to use on your eyebrows?


  1. I need this product, thanks for your sharing...

  2. I've recently discovered how much eyebrows can change your face and, since my eyebrows are very fair, I'm pretty addict to eyebrows product right now!
    I use mascaras or pencils but wanna try even the pwders, great ideas here!

    1. They definitely can! I'm glad you have brow products that are working well!

  3. I used to pluck/shape my eyebrows for many years, but lately I just can't be bothered.
    I do use a brow pencil, though, as they are losing some of their colour. I've just bought a cheapo new one, but will look out for the Goof Proof one from Benefit! xxx

    1. The Benefit one is so so good! I really love it. <3

  4. I absolutely love Benefit brows products. never fail to impress me.

  5. Oh yes I love to see whats inside of advent calendars =) It's so nice to have surprises, it doesn't matter if they're my surprises or from others - you're right.

    Interesting post about your favourite eyebrow products =) Benefit is really great for eyebrows. And the other one also looks nice =) My favourite eyebrow products are from Essence and Maybelline.

    1. Thank you! And yes, Essence has such great brow products!

  6. Hello!
    Very interesting products. I like to have well defined eyebrows :)
    Greetings from Poland!


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