Monday, September 4, 2023

perfume review: ariana grande mod blush and mod vanilla

There are an awful lot of perfumes lining my shelves. Some have been there for years and others are much newer. An example of the latter? The Mod Blush and Mod Vanilla perfumes from Ariana Grande. Over the years, there have been many Ariana Grande fragrance reviews here on Mansa Fashion. It only makes sense...the bottles are bold, interesting, and totally unique. As for the scents, those tend to be sweet and warm. Out of all her fragrances, my most worn are R.E.M., Thank U Next, and Cloud. But who knows? That might change now that Mod Blush and Mod Vanilla are on the scene. Curious about these celebrity perfumes? Here is everything you need to know about Mod Blush and Mod Vanilla from Ariana Grande. 

Mod Blush by Ariana Grande. The first of the two perfumes is Mod Blush. As you can see, this has blush coloured packaging and a blush coloured bottle. The bottle design is really interesting. (All of the Ariana Grande bottles are. In the past, there have been really beautiful bottle holders and even perfumes with fluffy pom poms added on. Everything is so cute! Each release stands out from anything else on the market.) The Mod Blush and Mod Vanilla bottle design is a curved kind of shape. Some have described it as egg-like and others have said it reminds them of the space theme Ariana likes so much. To me? It has a very retrofuturism kind of look. I love the unexpected design, the soft pink colour, and the frosted section in the middle. 

It is clear that the bottle is really unusual. As for the scent? It is phenomenal. Mod Blush is fruity, fresh, and inviting. The top notes are passionfruit, raspberry, pink pepper, and bergamot. The middle notes are rose, pear, and magnolia. The base notes are musk, dreamwood, ambroxan, and sandalwood. I just love how this perfume makes me feel. It feels so lively and bright...but still warm and comforting. This is the kind of perfume that I love to wear often. Whether I am working from home and need a little pick-me-up or I am heading out for dinner with my husband. There are so many occasions where Mod Blush comes in handy. This is without a doubt a new favourite of mine. Out of all the Ariana Grande perfumes, this is high on my list. 

Mod Vanilla by Ariana Grande. Similar to Mod Blush, there is Mod Vanilla, which is the warmer version of the two perfumes. It has the same kind of design as Mod Blush, with that retrofuturism look and the frosted portion in the center. As I mentioned before, the design is something that stands out for all the right reasons. It doesn't look like anything else in my collection! 

As the name suggests, Mod Vanilla is a warm vanilla scent. It is sweet, light, and inviting. The top notes are musk, plum, and pink freesia. The middle notes are praline and orris root. The base notes are vanilla and cacao butter. I have to admit...I have been using this perfume as a room spray often. It is a wonderful perfume and I love the warmth of the vanilla, but this smells extra amazing spritzed around the home. Normally, the candles that I light are warm and cozy (marshmallows, vanilla, pumpkin, and baked good scented candles are in the usual rotation). That is probably the reason this works so well in my home as a room spray. It is comforting and inviting. I love that this can be used as a perfume or to spruce up my space. 

Both of the Ariana Grande perfumes, Mod Blush and Mod Vanilla, are fantastic. The bottles are interesting and the scents really wow. Mod Blush is my favourite of the two, but I really love spraying a bit of Mod Vanilla around my home to add some extra warmth. Both perfumes shine in different ways and have been a wonderful addition to my perfume collection. 

Have you tried either of these perfumes? Are you a fan of Ariana Grande fragrances?


  1. So chic bottle, thanks for your sharing...

    1. The bottles are so interesting! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Yes the Disney 100 exhibition was small but it was good that Olaf was there <3 He's one of my favourite Disney characters too, I love him. The shirt is so nice =)

    Nice review =) Last week after the Disney 100 exhibition we went to a shopping centre. We were at Douglas and I smelt on any Ariane Grande perfume which was there and she has so many good perfumes.

    1. Oh that sounds like so much fun! She really does have a lot of great perfumes!

  3. Oh I really love the packaging! Thanks as always for the heads up:) And that's awesome to hear they both smell great! I love that you use the vanilla one as a room spray.
    Have a great Tuesday, Shannon:)

    1. The packaging is so pretty! Thank you so much! I hope you're having a great week <3

  4. Das klingt klasse und die Flakons sind echt schick und mal was anderes vom Design her. LG Romy

  5. I love vanilla!! Ariana is so beautiful!


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