Monday, October 16, 2023

brown lipstick mini reviews (kvd, smashbox, and morphe)

What is it about brown lipstick? It seems that I cannot get enough. It is no secret that I am obsessed with a lot of 90s trends and all things perhaps that is one of the reasons that brown lipstick has become an absolute staple in my makeup collection lately. Between the 90s inspiration and the recent popularity of the latte makeup look, it seems that many are obsessing over brown lipstick at the moment. At least I am in good company! Over the last little while, I have been on the hunt for the perfect brown lipstick. I wanted something warm but still easy to wear. Did I find it? No, but it has certainly been fun putting a few different lipsticks to the test. Keep reading for a few mini reviews of KVD, Smashbox, and Morphe products.

Smashbox Be Legendary Prime and Plush Lipstick in Caffeinate. The first lipstick that I tried was from Smashbox. This is a band that I have tried a few things from over the years, but isn't something that is always on my radar. That being said, it is difficult to resist a rich brown lipstick. Caffeinate is a deep chocolate brown. Though it wasn't the exact colour I had in looks fabulous. I absolutely love this lipstick. It is dramatic and warm. It has a nice amount of colour payoff and feels nice on the lips. This is more of a traditional lipstick (it even has that traditional "makeup smell" that I can't quite seem to describe) with a nice solid and stylish tube. All in all, this is brown lipstick was a winner. It adds just the right amount of drama to a makeup look. 

Morphe DripGlass Drenched High Pigment Lip Gloss in Drip Coffee. The next brown lipstick on this list is actually a high pigment gloss. I do like really pigmented lip glosses from time to time, like the Kim Chi Chic Beauty High Key Gloss. The Morphe DripGlass Drenched High Pigment Lip Gloss comes in a fairly basic clear plastic tube with a clear plastic topper. Nothing too wild or interesting happening in terms of the packaging. As for the product itself, this is really pigmented, goes on smooth, and has a gorgeous finish. Though I like this milk chocolate kind of colour in general, it doesn't necessarily look amazing on me. I think in future, I have to be really mindful about the kind of makeup that I pair with this particular gloss to make sure it looks as flattering as possible. It is a really nice product and the colour itself looks fantastic...just maybe not fantastic on me. 

KVD Everlasting Hyperlight Liquid Lipstick in Calytrix. Now for my favourite of the three. This KVD liquid lipstick was something that I used an old Sephora gift card on. (Gift cards always seem to encourage me to try something different.) I loved the old liquid lipstick formula that the brand had and was curious about the newer releases. This light brown shade called to me. Though the colour was not quite what I expected at is something that I have come to love. This is a nice light brown and pairs well with a lot of different makeup looks. It is a really beautiful neutral. As for the formula? So impressed. It is good to know that the KVD line still has a fantastic liquid lipstick formula. I just wish that they would expand their colour selection a little more, because while there are a few colourful offerings, the old brand had some really fun and daring options. 

There you have it...some mini reviews of brown lipsticks from a variety of higher end brands. There was an awful lot to love overall and it has certainly been fun incorporating lots of brown lipstick shades into some of my more recent makeup looks. 

Have you tried any of these lipstick shades? Are you a fan of brown lipstick? 


  1. Oh yes I'm really happy that this Echo Dot arrived :D I love them, it's super useful for timers and meetings.
    Thanks a lot <3 I hope that too.

    Great review, this products look all good =)
    The Smashbox lipstick has a nice packaging and I love the colour a lot, perfect for autumn right now <3 Your look is super cool.
    The Morphe gloss looks a little bit like pumpkin spice on your lips :D And the KVD gloss is perfect for everyday.

    1. Thank you! The Smashbox colour is definitely really pretty!

  2. Brown lipstick looks retro and fits the fall vibe too.
    Super color. Nice share!
    Kloisonne bags

  3. I remember wearing brown lipstick back in the day. In fact, I'd completely forgotten about this until I saw your post! Not sure if I'd wear it now, but I'm swooning over the colour of that Smashbox one which by the way, looks amazing on you! xxx

  4. I love brown lipsticks and will forever wear them! This is such a great post, Shannon, and thanks for the heads up on these. You look fab in all of them! My fave is the KVD for sure:)
    Hope you're having a great week so far!

    1. There is nothing better than a brown lipstick, honestly! Thank you!

  5. Hello!
    Cool colors, they are all amazing :) I like the last color the most, it suits you dear!
    Greetings from Poland!

  6. Nice review dear. I like the color of the second one lipstick! Gorgeous makeup too. Kisses!


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