Friday, October 20, 2023

disney villains eyeshadow palette (#fotd and review part two)

Another day, another Disney Villain. In case you missed my last blog post, it was dedicated to the Disney Villain Swivel Shadow Palette from Townley. This was an eyeshadow palette that I found for about $10 USD while on a day trip to the US and have finally been making the most of. After all, this month is all about darkness, spooky things, and even a bit of horror. I have certainly been doing what I can to make the most of the Halloween season and this swivel palette has been making that a whole lot easier. The last post was dedicated to the Maleficent portion of this eyeshadow palette. (Check that out here if you missed the previous post.) Now? It is time to take a look at what the Ursula section of this layered release has to offer.

Full confession: Ursula always scared me as a child. The Little Mermaid was actually the first movie that I ever saw in the movie theaters. I was very little and can't remember much, but I do recall sitting on my grandma, being absolutely terrified when Ursula grew at the end. (And when she was popped!) Apparently, there was crying and screaming involved, but I can't recall that part. At any rate, this is one Disney Villain that has stayed with me over the years. Though she doesn't scare me nearly as much now - and Poor Unfortunate Souls is an amazing song - she still gives me the creeps. Some things never change!

As for the Ursula section of the Disney Villain Swivel Shadow Palette, there is a lot to love. There are lots of greens, blues, and purples to choose from. Like the other palette, there are no themed names for the eyeshadow shades. Instead, they are B1, B2, and so on. Not super interesting! Something that I do like is the fact that there are matte, shimmer, and glitter shades included in this particular palette as well. I especially love that white and blue glitter with the different shapes. It is so unusual and definitely screams: under the sea. My only complaint with this palette is the fact that the green shadows are fairly similar to one another. There are some slight differences, but not quite enough. I would have loved to see a bit more variety in the green eyeshadow shades specifically. Oh, and for the record, the Ursula quote included is, "So long, lover boy!"

For this #FOTD using the Ursula portion of the Disney Villain Swivel Shadow Palette, it was all about glitter and green. Since I made the most of the purple shadows in the Maleficent palette, it only made sense to mix it up and focus on all of that green goodness. I used the first green on the second row on most of the lid and then added a bit of the green from the first row. It was blended out with just a touch of that blue colour for a bit of depth. The matte white shade was used on the inner corner. Then it was time to add on a little something extra. I used a bit of glitter glue and that under the sea inspired glitter to make sure this makeup look wowed. Though it was ultra dramatic in real life, the glitter didn't photograph as well as I would have liked. That being said, it was a fun makeup look, and certainly made the most of these exciting Ursula inspired shades. 

What do you think of these Ursula inspired eyeshadow shades? Are you a fan of Disney Villains?


  1. Flashy colours, so nice.. Thanks for your sharing...

  2. I love this look! it's a shame the glitter ones don't seem to pop so much in photos as that blue glittery one looked amazing in the palette but hard to see in the swatch on your arm. You are so skilled with the shades and made such a great look though! :)

    Little Mermaid was the first movie I saw in the cinema too! Defining moment of my childhood, haha!

    1. Thank you very much! Oh my goodness, I love that. was definitely a defining moment!

  3. Oh yes this advent calender is so much fun, can't wait to drink some nice shots in December :D
    I'm really thankful that my mom get the calendar, I would be very sad if not :D It's so beautiful. Yes I can't wait to get surprised each day =)

    Great post with nice eyeshadow palettes, love them all =)
    I can't decide if Maleficent or Ursula is my favourite Disney villain :D But the colours from Urusla are really great and I love your make up look <3

    1. Thank you! I really love the under the sea inspired colours in the Ursula palette as well :D

  4. Die Pigmentierung scheint richtig super zu sein. LG Romy

    1. It's impressive! Far better than I anticipated when I originally bought the palette!

  5. These shades really speak to me, Shannon. What a shame that the green shades turned out to be quite similar, though. xxx

    1. It is! Thankfully, there is still a lot to love about the palette!

  6. Awesome post my dear!!! Have a great day!!! 🤎🤎🤎🍂🍂🍂


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