Tuesday, October 10, 2023

#FOTD: fall makeup look feat. luxe legacy eyeshadow palette

When it comes to the fall season...I am all in. Even on days when a sweater is not the most realistic choice, sweaters are still my must-have fashion item for this time of year. I just love the cozy feeling that only autumn can bring. In fact, I feel more and more like myself lately. Since I love this time of year so much, a lot of my fashion, accessory, and makeup choices have been very fall focused over the last several weeks. I'm talking warm colours and spooky vibes! No wonder my current favourite eyeshadow palette is the Luxe Legacy Eyeshadow Palette from Jaclyn Cosmetics. This was another Winners find that I simply could not miss. It was a little pricier than other offerings at the store ($25 CDN) but considering the palette is being sold for $49 USD on the Jaclyn Cosmetics website, it was still heavily discounted. The gorgeous neutrals and warm fall colours were too fabulous to resist. Ready to take a peek at this fall inspired #FOTD? Want to find out which eyeshadow shades stood out in the Luxe Legacy Eyeshadow Palette? Keep reading for a mini review and a fall makeup look featuring the Luxe Legacy palette.

First thing is first...it is time to talk about the Luxe Legacy Eyeshadow Palette. As you can see from the photo above, this particular palette screams fall. There are lots of warm greens, browns, and grey colours to choose from. These smokey colours mixed with the shimmers means it is possible to create fall makeup looks that are suitable for both day and night. Though there are a lot of standout shades in this palette, the greens (like Tootsie and Moo) are my favourites. I also love the different shades of grey, like Small Town, Tee Cee and Mamacita. The matte shadows are nicely pigmented and the shimmer shades really wow. All in all, this is a really fantastic eyeshadow palette for the fall season. I've had a lot of fun creating different seasonal looks with Luxe Legacy. Ready to see one of those seasonal looks? Here is a #FOTD featuring this product.

This #FOTD made the most of the gold and green colours included in the eyeshadow palette. Farm Girl (light brown matte) was applied through the crease and So Ucky (grey-brown) was applied all over the lid. Lots of the shade Moo (matte army green) was applied through the crease and on the outer portion of the lid. Then a bit of Apple Pie (shimmery gold) was added to the center of the lid. Along the lower lash line, there was more Moo and some Because I Said So (matte black). Liner and mascara finished off the eyes. The cheeks were fairly neutral, since this makeup look was smokey and dramatic, so it was just a bit of bronzer. Then the Kim Chi Chic Beauty High Key Gloss in the shade Natural was worn on the lips. This fall inspired makeup look was dark, dramatic, and far too fun to create. I absolutely loved the way this particular makeup look turned out. 

What do you think of this #FOTD? Are you a fan of fall inspired eyeshadow colours?


  1. It's really crazy that 2024 is coming soon :D My September was so good, I had so much fun.
    We had so much fun in Dubai, we've seen a lot and had so much good food <3 :D

    Great review =) This palette looks nice, I like the colours. Your make up look is cute as always, perfect for autumn =)

    1. I'm so glad it was a good month for you and you were able to travel!

      Thank you so much! I really appreciate that!

  2. I loved this pallete color's... Thanks for your sharing...

  3. This is my favourite time of year too. I'm an Autumn (Fall) when it comes to colouring as well. Such gorgeous colours in that palette. I'm particularly loving the greens! xxx

    1. Ooh perfect! This is definitely the best time of year!

  4. Hello!
    This palette is really beautiful. I like these colors :) I could fall in love with them! Your makeup is wonderful, very inspiring. Beautiful as always!
    Greetings from Poland!

  5. Here seems to be still in summer since the weather is so warm and sunny!
    But I love fall tho, and that palette looks just perfect for this period!

  6. Schon allein das äußere Design ist einfach nur wunderschön. Die Farben stehen dir sehr gut. LG Romy

    1. Definitely! It is such a gorgeous palette! Thank you!

  7. This is the first time I hear about the Luxe Legacy Eyeshadow Palette and I really like the warm tones and the way you used them to achieve this gorgous make-up. Warm colors make-up is the best, works in almost every occasion and always look elegant and sophisticated. Really nice choice!

    1. Warm eyeshadow shades always make me happy. These are really beautiful! <3


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