Saturday, November 4, 2023

current obsession: ariana grande cloud pink perfume

There is something about Ariana Grande perfumes. Not only do they look aesthetically pleasing sitting on my perfume shelf, but the scents tend to be sweet, warm, and ideal for everyday wear. Though there are some that are used more than others (shout out to thank u, next, R.E.M., Cloud, and Mod Vanilla) all of her perfumes are stellar. Most recently, Cloud Pink was released, which is described by the brand as empowering and optimistic. It is supposed to be "inspired by a confidence that reveals both beauty and strength, no matter the storm." The inspiration is certainly powerful...but how does this perfume smell? And how does it compare to other Ariana Grande releases? Here is everything you need to know about Cloud Pink.

First thing is first...the bottle. This is essentially the same as the Cloud and Cloud 2.0 designs. It has the cloud shaped plastic base that holds the round perfume bottle. The difference is that in this case, the bottle and the cloud shaped bottle topper come in a soft pink colour instead of blue. Though nothing was really done to change the overall design, this looks great next to my Cloud and Cloud 2.0 bottles. As for the scent, this is described as an amber vanilla fragrance. The top notes are: pitahaya, wild berries, and pineapple. The middle notes are: coconut water, vanilla orchid, and ambrette. The base notes are: praline, musk, amberwood, and moss. Personally, I like the way my husband described the scent, which is "warm cotton candy." It has that familiar sweetness that many other Ariana Grande perfumes have, but it is also really warm. Definitely ideal for this time of year. This isn't too overpowering but still lasts for a decent amount of time on the skin. It is comforting, sweet, warm, and truly unforgettable. This has quickly become one of my favourites from Ariana. I like to wear it when I am heading out somewhere for the day and want to feel my best. Simply put, Pink Cloud is a quick and easy confidence boost in a bottle. 

There are an awful lot of Ariana Grande perfumes on my perfume shelf. All of them are impressive, but some stand out more than others. Cloud Pink definitely knows how to wow. It is vibrant and exciting, but still feels warm and grounding at the same time. It really is the best of both worlds. I look forward to using this perfume more and more in the future. Pink Cloud will be ideal for the pre-holiday season thanks to the warm but sweet scent. Plus, it will continue to look fabulous on my perfume shelf because of that beautiful pink bottle and the adorable cloud base. One thing is clear: the future is pink. 

Have you tried Cloud Pink from Ariana Grande yet? Are you a fan of Ariana Grande perfumes?


  1. That bottle is to die for, and I'm loving your description of the scent itself. A confidence boost in a bottle: I might have to check this one out! xxx

  2. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh em gee! That bottle....I can see why you love it, Shannon:) Super cute and that's great to hear her other perfumes are fab as well. I have yet to try her brand...argh....I wish I have unlimited source of money to buy all the things! For realz:D

    1. I am a sucker for a cute perfume bottle, honestly! And I really do love her perfumes. You can find a lot of them at Winners now for way way less than before, if you are ever interested!

  4. Ich liebe Vanille und der Flakon ist wunderschön. LG Romy

  5. What's the difference in the fragrance? Is it just the blue and pink hardware?

    1. The scents are actually different, though the bottle designs are similar. It is still sweet like all of the Ariana Grande scents, but it is also a little fruitier than the original Cloud version. Hope that helps! <3


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