Wednesday, November 22, 2023

does it work?? testing peanuts x wet n wild multi-stick set

Christmas time is here. Happiness and cheer. Fun for all that children call their favourite time of year. Peanuts and the holiday season have long gone hand in hand, thanks to the iconic Christmas special, "A Charlie Brown Christmas." So, it is no surprise that makeup brands would want to release Peanuts themed products during the holiday season. Last year, Wet n Wild did just that, with a collection that included blush palettes, beauty blenders, and all sorts of other themed items. At that time, I was able to find the Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown Eyeshadow Palette. (That eyeshadow palette has been in heavy rotation for the past year.) When I was in the England recently on a shopping trip, I came across another Peanuts x Wet n Wild product. This time, it was the What Christmas Is All About 3-Piece Multi-Stick Set.  Does it work?? It is time to find out. 

The What Christmas Is All About 3-Piece Multi-Stick Set from the Peanuts x Wet n Wild collection was found at a discount store during my short getaway to the US. It was available for just $2.99 USD...a bargain that was too tempting to resist. According to the brand, it is possible to "spread holiday cheer with this 3-Piece Multi-Stick Set. Formulated with Vitamin E, these multi-functional makeup sticks feature a velvety cream to powder formula that applies seamlessly to eyes, cheeks, and lips. Mix and match to create different holiday looks." Right off the bat, I like the fact that these sticks can be used in a few different ways. It is always nice to have a versatile product on hand! I also really love the packaging. The outer packaging shows Charlie Brown and Snoopy underneath the Christmas tree (so cute) and the actual sticks show Snoopy and Woodstock with lots of Christmas lights and different holiday decorations. In terms of the packaging and dedication to the theme, this set is a winner. 

Now for the actual performance of the Multi-Stick Set. There are three different colours: I Wish (glittery white), Warm & Cozy (shimmery brown), and Jingle Bell (glittery gold). The three colours are perfect for the holiday season. However, these feel somewhat sticky when applied on the eyelids. Though the brand claims reference a cream to powder formula, these did not dry down fully and creased not too long after application. The only way that I would use these on the eyes would be on the inner corner or underneath the brow. (I Wish works well that way.) Both I Wish and Jingle Bell are nice on the cheeks and add a fun dose of shimmer. I've tried the products on the lips as well, and though they look quite nice, it isn't the most comfortable product to wear that way. There are certainly some pros and cons to consider when it comes to these stick products. 

For the makeup look, shown above, all three of the Wet n Wild products were used on the eyes. I Wish was applied all over the lid, Jingle Bells on the very center, and then Warm & Cozy on the outer corner. It looked decent enough and I do enjoy all of the glitter...but it didn't dry down completely and it creased a lot. Warm & Cozy was also applied on the lips, which creates a really fabulous finish, but it is not the most comfortable. So...does it work?? Sort of. The What Christmas Is All About 3-Piece Multi-Stick Set from the Peanuts x Wet n Wild collection is neither a complete winner or a complete failure. I love the packaging and the theme. I love the colours chosen. I love the gorgeous finishes. That being said, the products do not work well on the eyelids and aren't comfortable on the lips. It is possible to make use of these sticks, but not necessarily in all the ways that the brand claims. It was wonderful to find these cute holiday themed products for a ridiculously low price. I only wish these dried down and did not crease on the eyelids. Though it wasn't a completely successful venture, it was an awful lot of fun to use these.

Were you able to try anything from the Peanuts x Wet n Wild holiday collection? Are you looking forward to the holidays?


  1. Boa tarde e uma excelente quarta-feira minha querida amiga. Dicas de produtos maravilhosos.

  2. What a shame those sticks weren't a complete success. I'm definitely hearing you on them being sticky and non-drying, and their formula being quite uncomfortable when using them on the lips. The colours look gorgeous, though, and the packaging is indeed super cute. Plus, you did get them for a bargain price! xxx

    1. I hate when that happens! But yes, the packaging is super cute!

  3. You're absolutely right, there are so many streaming services with good series, movies and so on. This is a pretty good plan for watching TV =) Oh yes I love my tablet, it's so cool.

    Nice review =) I love "The Peanuts", especially Snoopy is my favourite character <3 This multi-stick set looks interesting. It's sad that they don't work 100%.

    1. I love the characters as well. I've also watched the Christmas special way too many times this year!

  4. I have been loving glitters lately and this is so lovely.


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