Sunday, November 26, 2023

elf x i heart revolution collection (palette + highlight review)

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. I remember the first time my family watched the movie, Elf. It was love at first watch for me. (In fact, as I write this blog post, I am wearing a Buddy the Elf sweatshirt.) In the years since, it has become one of my main comfort movies. I watch it randomly throughout the year and even more often during the holiday season. So, when I found some items from the Elf x I Heart Revolution was a must. Since I have a serious weakness for eyeshadows and highlighters (they are some of my most used products) it only made sense to add a little Christmas cheer to my makeup routine with those items. Here is everything you need to know about these seasonal products. 

Elf x I Heart Revolution: Christmas Cheer Highlighter in Buddy. The first item that was added to my cart was the Elf themed highlighter shown above. The outer packaging is adorable with little Clausometer prints on the packaging and the Elf logo. It looks like a perfectly wrapped present, which ties in the holiday movie theme perfectly. According to the brand, it is possible to "accent your features and add an instant glow with the Christmas Cheer pressed powder highlighters. Highlight tops of cheekbones, blend on temples, sweep under the arch of your brows to lift and define, or apply to the inner corners of your eyes to open them up." There were three shades to choose from: Jovie (rose gold), Buddy (gold), and Papa Elf (bronze). Ultimately, the Buddy shade came home with me. It is a really gorgeous golden highlight and I was able to find it for $5.99 USD.

The packaging for the highlight is really adorable. It has a magnetic closure on one side and it unfolds to reveal lots of holiday magic. In addition to that cute Clausometer print everywhere, there is a quote from the movie. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. The highlight itself has that Clausometer print stamped into the product, which is another fun detail. As for the highlighter itself, it is excellent. Such a warm golden glow that adds a nice amount of shine. This is a glowy highlight as opposed to a sparkly or glittery one, so while it is bold, it has a more natural finish. This is a fantastic highlighter in terms of the packaging, theme, and the quality of the product. I was so impressed with all of the details. 

Elf x I Heart Revolution Ninny Muggins Palette. Next in this little collection haul is the Ninny Muggins Palette, which includes 25 different eyeshadow shades. The brand states that it features "25 Elf inspired colours, from essential nudes to bright pops of festive colours, all in a mix of matte, shimmer, and metallic formulations. This palette has all the colours you need to take you from a chilled daytime look to full-on winter glam." There is certainly a lot packed into this eyeshadow palette. The pans are on the smaller size, but there is still a lot of product to work with. This allowed for a lot of different colours to create a variety of winter wonderland looks. The packaging is fairly standard, but there are some nice details included, like the Buddy silhouette and the mirror. (Underneath the mirror it says, "Does someone need a hug?") On the inside of the palette, there are little references to characters in the movie, like the snowman, Santa Claus, and of course, the racoon. Lots of fun movie nods! 

As you can see, this eyeshadow palette has a lot of variety in terms of the colours and finishes. I like that there is so much to work with and that it is possible to create a lot of different looks. However, I do wish that there was one darker colour. It is no secret that I love a good smokey eye look. I don't like having to use another palette to complete my makeup. It is always preferable when there is enough variety that no additional products need to be used. That one minor addition would have made a notable difference. All that aside, the colour story is wonderful for the holiday season. There are lots of candy colours, some neutrals, warm golds, and lots of festive greens. When it comes to the quality, this is a little hit and miss. Some shadows perform really well while others lack pigmentation. For instance, the shadow that stood out to me most was the sparkly lilac in the top row. Well, it doesn't do a whole lot on the eyes, I'm afraid. On the other hand, the green on the bottom row is ridiculously amazing and I am obsessed with it. (Earlier today, I created a makeup look using that colour and the matte turquoise and it felt so festive and fun.) It's a shame that not every eyeshadow in this palette happened to be a winner, but at least there were more pros than cons in this case. Plus, I was able to find the Elf inspired palette for just $9.99 USD. 

Both the highlighter and the eyeshadow palette were used to create the makeup look above. For this look, the focus was on the warm burgundy shadows and the golden glitters. As I mentioned before, some of the shadows performed better than others, so a few of the eyeshadows required a little more patience. All in all, it was a lot of fun making use of these Elf inspired products from Revolution. The packaging and theme makes me all warm and fuzzy inside...and the products were good overall. (Especially the highlighter. It is so gorgeous and I love all of the little details.) Since my Christmas obsession lasts all year long, it is always exciting to find holiday inspired beauty items. In the words of Buddy the Elf, treat every day like Christmas.

Are you a fan of the movie? Do you have any Christmas themed makeup items in your collection?


  1. I like how you review and apply makeup.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Check out my last post. Enjoy your week!

  2. That eye shadow palette looks absolutely adorable in every way. What a shame it is a little hit and miss, but surely the bargainous price did make up for this somewhat. xxx

    1. It definitely does. And the Elf packaging makes me happy!

  3. The packaging and the eyeshadows are absolutely lovely!!!
    Perfect for a Xmas gift!

  4. I love my bed so much, it's so comfortable and smooth <3 :D Today all the snow is gone, I hope there will be more soon. Thanks a lot <3
    Thank you, I love this socks too, they're super cute =)

    Great review =) I like Revolution a lot, they have really great cosmetics.
    The highlighter and the palette is super nice. I like the shades from the eyeshadows - especially the pink and lavendar ones. Your make up look is cute as alwys

  5. YOu look so fab in this look, Shannon! And as a fan of Elf (I watch it too even when it's not the holiday season:D), I am so digging these:) THat's too bad that not all shadows were a hit on that palette, but it's still a fantastic deal for sure, and really, you can't go wrong with anything Elf IMO:D
    Have a great week ahead!

    1. I love that you watch it all year! You are so just can't go wrong with a little Elf!

  6. Waoo, i like those eye shades. You look beautiful.
    Thank you dear, yes i am safe at home. that was learning , but still it can never stop me going solo, i need to be careful with such men.

  7. These products look beautiful, I wish I had them :) I don't have any Christmas-themed cosmetics, but I do have jewelry :)
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Ooh holiday themed jewellery is always a good idea!

  8. Die Farben der Lidschatten-Palette gefallen mir sehr gut, kann man zu vielen Anlässen tragen. LG Romy

    1. Definitely! There are a lot of different colours to choose from!

  9. Boa tarde de terça-feira. Paleta de cores maravilhosas.

  10. The colors look so pigmented and the color options are so admirable. I don't have any Christmas collection yet, but I am thinking to have one, thanks to you! xoxo, Chels.


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