Tuesday, November 14, 2023

review: lauren conrad beauty products (part one)

There is nothing more millennial than shows like Laguna Beach and The Hills. Those television shows were absolute must watches at the time - and always make for a good rewatch. I have been a fan of Lauren Conrad since those shows aired. I have long loved her classic style. Since her time on reality television, Lauren has released multiple books and still has a fashion/accessory line at Kohls. A couple of years back, she also launched Lauren Conrad Beauty. However, at some point, it seems that the brand was discontinued without an official explanation. That is how some of the products from the line made their way into my life. Though I had paid attention to the initial launch, purchasing makeup online is not my favourite, especially since there are normally high shipping costs to Canada. But when I found some products from Lauren Conrad Beauty at a discount store...it was a no brainer. Ready to take a closer look at these products? Here is part one of the review. 

The Multitasker in Plum and Peony. The first product as part of this review is The Multitasker. There were two different colours available: plum and peony. As you can see, the plum colour is deeper and peony is more of a dusty pink. According to the brand, The Multitasker is intended to "give your lips and cheeks a pinch of color with this lightweight, creamy tint." These colours can be used on the lips or cheeks and I have tried both colours in those ways. Personally, I prefer to use these products on the cheeks, because there just isn't enough colour payoff on the lips. These products offer a subtle amount of colour. On the cheeks? This creates a beautiful glow to the skin. It has a glossy kind of finish, so it is kind of like a wash of colour with a little extra oomph. Both are really pretty on the cheeks, but Plum is my personal favourite. It is a color that I have been reaching for a lot this fall season. It just pairs well with those warmer fall makeup looks. Though these products are decent (especially given the heavily discounted price I found them for) these aren't must have items by any means. 

The Gloss in Raspberry and Dawn. The next items from Lauren Conrad Beauty were purchased knowing full well that they would not be used by me. As you can see from the photo above, there was a lot of separation happening in the tube even at the time of purchase. These products just did not look like something I wanted to use. However, being a lover of makeup and a collector of anything Lauren Conrad related....these were purchased for a couple of dollars simply to remember her beauty line and collection. The colours look nice enough but given the way the glosses looked in the packaging, it was not a risk that I was willing to take. At any rate, I thought it would be nice to show you all these glosses anyway. It really is a shame that the brand seems to have been discontinued, because I like the sleek and simple packaging, and the easy to wear kind of beauty products.

For the look above, it was all about The Multitasker in the shade Peony. (Stay tuned for part two of this review to see how Plum performs.) It was used on the cheeks and the lips, creating a glowy and natural looking finish. On the eyes was the Lauren Conrad Beauty eyeshadow palette, which will be reviewed in the next post here on Mansa Fashion. As you can see, The Multitasker has a really wonderful finish and adds a nice wash of colour to the cheeks. It has been nice to use lately!

It has been nice putting some Lauren Conrad Beauty items to the test lately. (And adding a few to my collection just for fun.) The Multitasker was a decent product but definitely performs better on the cheeks than on the lips. I do really like the glossy natural kind of finish it delivers. Next up? Stay turned for a full review of The Eyeshadow Palette from Lauren Conrad Beauty.

Have you tried anything from this brand? Are you a fan of Lauren Conrad?


  1. These are pretty good products if you found them discounted!
    I really like especially how that lipgloss looks on your lips!

    1. Yes, it was really exciting to find them so heavily discounted. Thank you!

  2. Yes I like my new products a lot =) I love granola and I can't wait to taste it.
    Trashy TV is really funny :D You're right, drama is okay as long it's only on TV. It's perfect to relax after work. Thank you, my head is okay right now but now I have other problems :D
    I love this smell so much, Chocolate in your face is always nice <3 :D A really nice sheet mask with a nice result.

    Great review, this products look really nice.
    The multitasker has two nice colours, I like them. And the glosses are also cute, I love the pink one. Your make up look is beautiful <3

    1. Thanks a lot =) I like Revolution products a lot, they have a good quality for nice prices =)

    2. Thank you so much! The colours are definitely really pretty!

  3. Die Marke kannte ich noch gar nicht, klingt vielversprechend. LG Romy

    1. It was my first experience with the brand but there were some decent products!

  4. I'm glad to read you were able to try these out at a discounted price, especially since The Multitasker didn't exactly live up to your expectations. I love it that you are buying make-up just for your collection! xxx

    1. I have a bad habit of doing that, but I love to collect makeup that is special to me!

  5. That's cool that you were able to get them at a discounted price, they look awesome, I love the red and pink hues.💕

  6. But what beautiful eyes you have! I really liked how the makeup looked on lips and cheeks, it looks very natural!


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