Monday, November 6, 2023

what i've been watching lately (television and movies)

Whenever life is busy or hectic or overwhelming....I turn to television and movies. I have always felt comforted by those moments of escape. By the different stories, characters, and worlds that are only a click away. The last several weeks have been a bit full thanks to different family events, a planned weekend trip, responsibilities at home (I have weighed down my schedule by attempting to deep clean the apartment ahead of holiday decoration time), work, writing goals, and a million other to do list items. My solution? Play different television shows and movies in the background. Even right now, as I am writing this blog post, there is a movie playing in the background to keep me company. (For the record, it is Christmas Vacation. Even though it is technically early November, it might as well be December 25th in my mind. I am in full blown Christmas mode.) So, I thought it made sense to do a little update and share some of the things that have been on my watch list lately. 

Classic Sitcoms. I love a good sitcom. I really do. Lately, there has been an obscene amount of Of Tourism Ties playing in my home. It is something that can be on in the background while I work or clean or fold laundry or...whatever! I've seen all the episodes many times before, so there is a level of familiarity there. I used to watch the show over and over growing up and now that we have a Paramount+ subscription, it has been really wonderful watching it all over again. Another sitcom that I have started to re-watch is Step by Step. This was a show that I absolutely loved when I was a kid. My brother gifted me the complete series for my birthday, which was such a thrill. It has been wonderful to experience all of the nostalgia. Another sitcom that I've started watching is the reboot of Frasier. My expectations were low (because of the lack of Niles) but it's been enjoyable so far. 

Soapy Dramas. There have also been some soapy dramas playing in my home lately. The first is Melrose Place. This is available on Paramount+ as well and it has been so wonderful being able to watch the show again. I watched a few seasons with my mom many years ago, but was never able to see the entire series. This is my chance! I watched the reboot several years back now, with Ashlee Simpson, but didn't necessarily understand all of the throwback references and special appearances from past characters. Fingers crossed that once I finish watching the original series, it will be possible for me to track down the reboot as well. Another sort of soapy drama that I have been watching lately is Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. This is something that I have been watching on and off for a while. It is such a great show. I love that it talked about important issues, showcased a strong lead female character, and challenged sexist stereotypes that existed then - and still exist now. 

All the Reality Television. I have always been a reality television kind of person. I find people terrifying and fascinating all at the same time. Throw in a twist or two and I simply cannot look away. Some of the reality shows that I've been watching lately (outside of my usual Real Housewives stuff) include: House of Villains, Big Brother 25, and Survivor 45. House of Villains is interesting, because it compiles reality television villains from years past and puts them all together in a competition style show. Big Brother is a show that my brother and I have watched since season one. It is a tradition to watch, even though the people we like very rarely win the game. Survivor is another tradition, where my mom, brother, and I have been watching since the start. It is nice to have reality shows that I watch on my own and also some that I watch whenever I visit my family. 

Lots and Lots of Holiday Movies. As I mentioned earlier, it might as well be December 25th in my home, because I cannot stop myself from watching Christmas movies. I've been watching all sorts of different cartoons and holiday specials (and even the holiday yule log) in recent weeks, but some of the standouts are Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story Christmas, Jingle All the Way, The Christmas Gift (starring John Denver), and all Santa Clause movies. I watch holiday movies all year long, but now that it is November, my efforts are even more focused on all things merry and bright. 

What have you been watching lately? Are you a fan of any of these television shows or movies?


  1. I share your love of TV and movies. Thanks for your review of the "Frasier" re-boot. I haven't seen it yet and, like you, had a low expectation given the absence of Niles andJohn Mahoney, so it's nice to hear you like it. I've always been a big fan of the original -- and of "Cheers" where the character started. Two things I recommend: "No Hard Feelings," a comedy film starring Jennifer Lawrence, and "The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem," a TV show on Netflix made in Israel. It's a family drama set in Palestine back in the 1930s. Engrossing drama. The second season just came out.

    1. I actually like the Frasier reboot more and more as the weeks pass. I think it is really getting into its groove now! I hope if you've watched it that you enjoyed it as well. Ooh thank you for the recommendations. I already had No Hard Feelings on my to-watch list, because I like Jennifer Lawrence, but I will look at the TV show as well. It sounds really interesting.

  2. Miracle on the 34th street is my fav Christmas movie ever! ^^
    To be honest 've never seen those tv shows; recently, to enter into the Halloween mood, I've rewatched Frankenweenie, The Dead bride and The Fall of House of Usher on Netflix.

    1. It is SO good. I have watched it a few times this holiday season already. Glad you watched lots of good Halloween films!

  3. Thanks <3 :D This change from Ghost to Santa was really funny :D I was Joker on Halloween, then I went to bed, woke up and I felt like Christmas is almost there. It was so nice to decorate a little bit and I can't wait for my tree.
    Thanks =) I like my new milkshake glass a lot, it looks super cool. You're absolutely right =)

    A really interesting post =) It's always nice to see what other peoples are watching.
    Oh I love to hear music or watch something in the background while I get my household done. I also watched some minutes of "Dr. Quinn", it was really nice. I can't wait to watch Christmas movies soon <3

    1. Thanks =) I like this tights so much, it was really nice to wear them at the pub quiz on monday. The leopard print is so cute <3
      This mask is really nice, I love the scent and the result <3

    2. Ha! I love that! Definitely let me know what Christmas movies you end up watching. You always watch the best stuff :D

  4. I'm really looking for something comforting to watch, maybe I'll find something amusing among what you listed! :D

    1. I hope so! Old school sitcoms are definitely super comforting, if you ask me!

  5. At this moment in my life, I've got little or no time to watch movies or tv shows. I love a classic Sitcom, though, so maybe it's time to check these out! xxx

    1. They are nice to watch, but I understand the difficulty in finding time to!

  6. I don't have time to watch a lot of things but it is nice to see what have you been watching. xoxo

  7. Very interesting, thanks for sharing, I’ll definitely try to watch it))

  8. Znam niektóre, bardzo mi się podobały :)

    1. Oh wonderful! It's always nice to find a show or movie that speaks to you!

  9. Great! Let me tell you, I like watching a lot :) Mainly movies and TV series I watch from time to time. Very nice suggestions, thank you for your inspiration. I love reading posts like this because I love watching them :)
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. That is fantastic! If you have any suggestions, please let me know, because I really do love to watch interesting things :D

  10. I have seen some of the series that you mention in this list, such as Of Tourism Ties and Step by Step, I saw them in my adolescence, currently we watch Friends, Seinfeld, The Big Bang Theory at home in the background while we have breakfast on the weekends. Kisses!

    1. Oh that sounds wonderful! We have been watching a lot of The Big Bang Theory lately before bed. It's a great show!


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