Tuesday, December 19, 2023

holiday obsession: perennial pictures cartoons

It was February 2020 and I was stuck in bed with a terrible cold. I remember that I had called in sick to work for a few days and was feeling especially miserable and restless. (I never could have predicted how much life would change just a few weeks later, when the COVID-19 lockdowns happened and toilet paper became the most sought after item in town.) While resting in bed, surrounded by tissues, I scrolled through different streaming platforms for Christmas cartoons in an effort to cheer myself up. Enter Perennial Pictures. On Amazon Prime, I found a cartoon called Up On The Housetop from 1993. It filled me with an indescribable sense of joy and safety. I felt better than I had in days. Next, there was a recommendation for another cartoon from the same company, then another, and another. Soon, I was looking up the Perennial Pictures website to make sure I didn't miss one single moment of animated bliss. I watched everything I could get my hands on...and then watched it all again.

It is clear that the cartoons from Perennial Pictures made an impression on me. (In truth, I emailed the company thanking them for their work and asking if it was possible to purchase copies of the cartoons, but they never answered. Sigh!) Those animated specials were there for me in a time of need...and continued to be there for me in the months that followed. Until the cartoons were removed from Amazon Prime, that is. I was devastated. A few of the cartoons were on YouTube, but some of my favourites were not there. It was upsetting to think that the cartoons that had lifted my spirits so many times were suddenly out of reach. These kinds of experiences are why I prefer physical media to streaming. If only there was a DVD of the Perennial Pictures cartoons to purchase! The company has released several Christmas themed cartoons, an Easter cartoon, Halloween cartoon, and a few other animated shorts. A few of my personal favourites? Up On The Housetop, Crawford The Cat's Christmas, Deck The Halls, Jolly Old St. Nicholas, and O Christmas Tree. I love them all, but I rewatch those the most.

I mentioned that these cartoons were on Amazon Prime and then poof...disappeared. A few were available to watch on YouTube, but many of the others were out of my reach. Until, one day, I was browsing the selection of holiday offerings on Tubi and the Perennial Pictures cartoons were there! I have no idea when those were added (or if they had been there the whole time) but it was an absolute thrill to find them again. I have watched and rewatched and rewatched all of the cartoons many times over the last couple of months. This discovery has absolutely been adding to my holiday merriment this year. 

So, what is it about the Perennial Pictures cartoons that makes them so special? Heart, warmth, and kindness. The world is a scary and depressing place a lot of the time...but Perennial Pictures reminds me that there is still wonder, love, and hope. The cartoons make me feel like a kid again. They ease the hurts, the fears, and the anxieties, and make me feel like everything is going to be okay. At least for a little while. There is something magical about these cartoons, especially the Christmas themed ones. There is an indescribable kind of magic woven into these stories and these characters. I am so grateful to be able to watch them this holiday season. It means more to me than I could ever describe. If you are feeling low, overwhelmed, or afraid, take some time to watch a little Perennial Pictures. These heartfelt cartoons feel like a warm hug on a cold day.

Have you watched anything from Perennial Pictures? What are your favourite Christmas cartoons?


  1. I didn't know these cartoons but look so nice to see during the Christmas holidays!
    Good to know!

  2. Lately, I think Covid has returned. Everyone I see around me says they have a bad flu. Thanks for your sharing, have a lovely holiday

    1. There are definitely a lot more cases, it seems. Even more people I know have it at the moment than when I wrote this post. Sigh!

  3. Oh that's so great you found them on Tubi, Shannon! Unfortunately, I don't think I've seen any of the movies, so thanks for the heads up!
    Hope you're having a great Tuesday so far:)

  4. I donno the cartoon but they are just so cute :-D

  5. Very cute!


  6. I hadn't hear of these cartoons, Shannon, but I'm absolutely thrilled you found them again on Tubi! xxx P.S. I too prefer physical media :-) xxx

    1. It's just so much better! I hate that things come and go on streaming services so regularly.

  7. Uwielbiam taki klimat. Pozdrawiam :)

  8. Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie ein wundervolles Weihnachtsfest. LG Romy

  9. Oh I haven't watch this show, I should add that to the list! :D

  10. I haven't heard of these cartoons, but they sound interesting!

  11. Thanks a lot =) I like my new stuff too. This fragrance spray smells so nice, perfect for your bedroom.
    I'm glad about that too =) Last year the box was okay but nothing special for christmas. This year the variety of products is pretty perfect, I love them.
    Thanks =) I like this song really much, perfect for a rave. And I can't wait until my first festival next year :D Thank you <3

    It's crazy that COVID-19 started 4 years ago in China and all the years with the lockdowns and measures. So happy that everything is getting normal.
    I don't know this film brand but it looks super cute, cartoons are always nice - especially christmas cartoons.

    1. It's hard to believe how much has changed since COVID happened. And yes, the cartoons are so so cute!

  12. I'm not familiar with these cartoons, but they look so fun and cute! Thanks for sharing!

    xoxo, MIDORI



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