Sunday, December 3, 2023

warm winter makeup look feat. kylie cosmetics canadian kiss

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful....Is it obvious that I have been listening to Christmas music non-stop recently? Between records, CDs, cassettes, and the radio, something is playing Christmas music at all times. My house is essentially my own personal North Pole at this point. While listening to "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" the idea popped into my head to do an icy winter makeup look and a warm fireplace inspired look to mirror the iconic opening line from the song. Since warm makeup looks are in my comfort zone, it made sense to start there. Especially since I had a couple of lip products from Kylie Cosmetics to put to good use. It is time to feel festive with this seasonal makeup look.

In order to create a warm winter makeup look, the right products were necessary. Immediately, I thought of the Too Faced Cinnamon Bear Palette. That holiday themed release has lots of gorgeous warm reds...perfect for the holiday season and for a warm makeup look inspired by a fireplace. It was a bonus that in addition to those gorgeous warm eyeshadows there was the Cinnamon Bear blush as well. Check and check! I used some of my favourite products on the face, like the Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Foundation, the NYX Epic Ink Liner, and The Super Sizer Mascara from Cover Girl. One note on the last item mentioned...I think this may have been discontinued or it has become impossible for me to find in stores. I am getting a little worried! This is my absolute favourite mascara (I love it even more than mascaras sold at Sephora) but it doesn't seem to be available anywhere around me. I have three backups left, so I am holding onto hope that I am able to track down some more sometime soon. I will definitely keep you all updated on that product if and when I can find out more information. 

To complete the makeup look above, something special was needed on the lips. Thankfully, there was a product that quickly came to mind. Several months back, I spotted the Kylie Cosmetics Canadian Kiss Matte Lip Kit at Shoppers Drug Mart. An exclusive lip kit for Canadians? I could not resist. Since purchasing the kit, both the lip liner and matte liquid lipstick have been worn a few times, but this was the perfect excuse to feature the products here on Mansa Fashion. The lip liner is smooth and creamy and goes on really easily. The matte liquid lipstick is a formula that has long impressed me. I love that it is bold, colourful, and stays put. Canadian Kiss is such a warm colour that I knew it would be perfect for this particular winter makeup look. Though these warmer colours are definitely in my wheelhouse, it was still a lot of fun to put together this seasonal creation. Be sure to check back in a couple of days, because an icy and cool winter makeup look will be featured next. 

What do you think of this warm winter makeup look? How are you enjoying the holiday season so far?


  1. Those shades are totally in your palette! And even perfect for the festive season!
    Great make up!

    1. Thank you! Yes, these colours are great for this time of year!

  2. Wow, that make-up is absolutely amazing, Shannon! You really do suit these tones.
    What a shame about the Covergirl Super Sizer Mascara ... I really hate it when one of my favourite products is being discontinued :-( xxx

    1. Thank you very much! Oh, isn't it annoying? Whenever I seem to find a must-have's discontinued!

  3. I have yet to try any of Kylie's line but the red color lipstick looks so pretty on you! Do you know if she offers a clean line of products? Not sure if she does. I am so focused on using clean makeup right now. Happy holiday season beautiful!


    1. Thank you so much! According to the brand, everything is clean and cruelty free <3

  4. Boa tarde de segunda-feira. Estamos perto só verão aqui no Rio de Janeiro. No inverno sua dica será maravilhosa.

  5. Thanks a lot =) I love my new pieces so much, perfect for winter <3 Oh yes the colour is pretty nice, I don't have anything like that.

    Great review =) This products look super cute. I love the Cinnamon Bear palette, the packaging is amazing and I like the colours. Your make up look is beautiful as always =)

  6. You look gorgeous as always, SHannon! THat Kylie Canadian Kiss.....aaaaaah....such a beautiful shade. I think I'm gonna splurge on some Kylie stuff soon! I really do love her makeup.
    PS That Too Faced palette looks awesome too, btw! You have such a great makeup collection:)

    1. Isn't it a great colour? I love that there was a Canada exclusive shade!

  7. Bom dia e uma excelente terça-feira com muita paz e saúde.


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