Friday, January 19, 2024

does it work?? minion vita-c hydrogel eye patches

The minions kind of have a special place in my heart. When my husband and I first started dating, we quickly realized that there wasn't a lot of overlap in the kinds of movies that we liked. He was into action movies and superhero movies while I was into comedies, musicals, horror movies, romantic movies, and other such things. However, the minions were something we could both agree on. We have watched all of the Despicable Me and Minion movies released...and have some random minion merchandise scattered around our home. The adorable yellow characters are funny, silly, and beloved. Well, it was exciting to see my love of all things minion collide with my love of all things beauty, with the Vita-C Hydrogel Eye Patches from TonyMoly. I was instantly excited to try out the minion themed eye patches for myself. So....does it work?? It is time to find out. 

TonyMoly is not a brand that I am familiar with or have tried anything from before. I really had no expectations about how (or if) the Vita-C Hydrogel Eye Patches would work. According to the brand, the eye patches have Vitamin C and are intended to de-puff, hydrate, and refresh the skin around the eyes. Now that the winter weather is here (and all of the snow has arrived) skin has been in need of a little extra pampering. It seemed like the perfect time to test out these patches. 

The packaging was quite large, considering there were only two little eye patches inside. That made it difficult to actually get to the eye patches. (The tear strip along the bottom was not enough. I had to get scissors and cut open the package to peel them out.) As for the scent, this has a nice light and refreshing scent. Nothing too over the top or distracting. Just the right amount of fragrance for something like this! The directions are simple: put on the under eye patches and leave them there for 20 minutes. These are straightforward to use and feel cooling on the skin. It is such a nice way to pamper yourself on a busy day. Something that I love? The design on the eye patches. There is this cute minion planet design with little stars (seen on the outer packaging) that is just downright adorable. It checked off all the boxes there. In terms of performance, these were pleasant to use, cooling, and made me feel pampered. Though my under eyes were hydrated and refreshed, I don't know that this delivered on the de-puffing claim. So...does it work?? Yes. These are super cute, but also hydrating and refreshing. 

Have you tried anything from TonyMoly? Are you a fan of themed beauty products?


  1. Oh my god this eye patches are so cute, I love the Minions <3
    It sounds a little bit annoying, that it's such a large package with little patches xD But they sound good for a little Wellness day at home.

    1. Thanks a lot =) I like my new stuff too. Yes the drink sounds interesting, can't wait to drink it. I didn't see the new "Wonka" movie, I will watch it when it's out on streaming platforms. I love this plus sweater, it's super cosy <3
      This mascara is really amazing =) I love the result of voluminous lashes. The packaging is really nice.
      This movie is really fantastic and the documentary too. You're absolutely right, it's so sad that people don't think about what they do to others with words / hate. Lorraine Wilson Vanilli were great performers, it doesn't matter if they sing or not, they were great and it's super sad that Rob didn't get through well due this shitstorm =( I hope that too. And I love that Fab is still singing for his friend Rob so that everyone sees they were good persons.

    2. Definitely nice for a day at home. And I completely agree with your comment about the impacts of the things people say. My heart aches for Rob. I'm glad Fab is honouring him and their story is being told now <3

  2. These look so cute, and I'm glad to hear they worked for you too! xxx

  3. It's great that these eye patches are not only cute but also work well. :)

  4. I love the packaging :)

  5. They're really cute! I haven't tried them but I like Tony Moly so I would give them a try ^^

    1. Oh excellent! I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for other products from the brand.

  6. I never tried this, i would like to try. Thanks for sharing . And thanks for reading my post. Take care

  7. Oj, nie znam. Pozdrawiam serdecznie :)

  8. I LOVE MINIONS!!! but seems the packaging is not practical. Good to know its works


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