Tuesday, January 9, 2024

holiday highlights: too faced popcorn balls bite sized palette

This is always a strange time of year. All of the Christmas decorations are still up in my home (though those will be coming down shortly) and there are all of these hopes, dreams, and resolutions to focus on for the year ahead. I feel a little out of sorts, with one foot back in 2023 and one foot firmly in 2024. So, while I am in this in-between, it only makes sense to focus on a few holiday highlights. These posts are all about seasonal items that were in heavy rotation during the last month or so. One example? The Popcorn Balls Bite-Sized Eyeshadow Palette from Too Faced. This compact, limited edition, holiday themed eyeshadow palette has an adorable theme and eight different eyeshadow shades inside. Ready to find out more? Here goes...

According to the brand, the Popcorn Balls Bite-Sized Eyeshadow Palette is described as "a limited edition, pocket size palette of warm, wearable neutral shades with bright winks of color that make your eyes pop." This is paraben free and cruelty free...and the eyeshadow palette is supposed to smell like sweet and salty popcorn balls. Truly, there is an awful lot to love. This palette is more aligned with the quality that I initially expected from the Let It Snow Globes set. (In case you missed that review, the set was pretty hit or miss and it wasn't as good as previous holiday releases from the brand.) I love the popcorn balls theme, which includes the cute illustration, the fun eyeshadow shade names, and the scent. It felt cohesive and well thought out. 

As for the colour story, this was another success. I love the different metallic colours, the warm buttery yellow, the neutral mattes, and the variety included. Though there were only eight eyeshadow shades to choose from, there was a combination of matte and shimmer, and there were light, medium, and dark shades. It is possible to create a variety of different makeup looks using this palette and only this palette. Everything about the Popcorn Balls Bite-Sized Eyeshadow Palette feels intentional. 

There are eight different shades, including Don't Be Salty (cream matte), I'm So Corny (light pink metallic), I'm Pop-ular (gold shimmer), Butter Me Up (buttery yellow), Sticky and Sweet (medium pink metallic), Deck The Balls (lilac metallic), Pop Off (dusty rose matte), and Ballin' (dark brown matte). All of these eyeshadow shades perform well, but there are a few standouts. I absolutely love Butter Me Up, Ballin', and Deck The Balls. In fact, those are the main shadows that were used in the makeup look above. The metallic shades are stunning...and look even more dazzling in real life. I love using the matte shades and then adding on a little extra shimmer. Though the lilac metallic is my favourite, the pink and gold metallics are beautiful as well. The finish is out of this world! Over the holiday season, the Popcorn Balls Bite-Sized Eyeshadow Palette was used many times. It was so quick and easy to create a head-turning makeup look, so it became a must for me. This is one palette that will continue to be in heavy rotation for me, thanks to the warm and wearable colours, the variety of finishes, and the compact size. Though the Let It Snow Globes set from Too Faced looked beautiful and had a lot to choose from, the Popcorn Balls Bite-Sized Eyeshadow Palette was thoughtful, cute, and had impressive quality. This limited edition holiday themed release is fabulous.

Did you try any of the Too Faced holiday sets this year? What do you think of this colour story?


  1. Pięknie wyglądasz :) Super kolorki.

  2. So nice pallete; thanks for your sharing

  3. Gorgeous palette and love your makeup :-D

  4. Oooooo...love this FOTD, SHannon! The palette does sound fab, and love all the metallic shades that were included in it. I ended up gifting a Too Faced palette to one of my sisters. I actually wanted to keep it! LOLZ
    PS Your vinyl record post inspired me and my daughter to go to a Value Village by our place and look for records! We ended up getting a few records- an Anne Murray and Andy Williams one and a classical one. Thanks for that post again:)

    1. Thank you! LOL I can't blame you at all. The Too Faced stuff is so fun! Oh, thank you so much for letting me know. Your comment totally made my day. I'm so glad you two were able to find a few hidden treasures!

  5. You made such a great look with this! It's so nice that you were able to enjoy all the shades too and there were no disappointing ones in the palette! :)

  6. It's indeed a strange time of the year, and I'm always a bit sad if I've got to take the tree down. This Two Faced palette looks fabulous, and so does the look you created with it. xxx

    1. Taking down the tree is the worst! I hate that feeling. Thank you <3

  7. Boa tarde e uma excelente quarta-feira. Cores maravilhosas.

  8. Oh yes some people on social media are just toxic, I don't understand why. Thanks a lot <3
    It was a really delicious week again <3 I love all stuff from Kinder :D

    Great review =) This Popcorn palette looks so cute, I love the packaging. The colours are so nice, I love glitter. Your make up look is beautiful.


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