Monday, January 29, 2024

testing out kylie cosmetics and kylie skin samples.

Who doesn't love a good beauty sample? Small samples make it possible to test and try different products without splurging on a full sized version. It is the easiest way to determine whether a product is (or is not) right for you. Thankfully, a handful of Kylie Cosmetics and Kylie Skin samples are in my possession. I already enjoy a lot of products from the brand, but these samples make it possible to find out whether there are others from Kylie Cosmetics or Kylie Skin that might be appropriate to add to the rotation. Ready to find out more about these products? Keep reading for all of the details and mini reviews. 

First thing is first. What samples were there to test and try? From Kylie Cosmetics, there was the Matte Liquid Lipstick sample (complete with a mini applicator cute) in the shade Mary Jo K. This particular lipstick shade is described as a "true blue red," and it certainly is that. Most of the other liquid lipsticks that I've tried from the brand in recent years have been versions of pink and brown - though there were a few more daring colours included in the Koko Kollection and In Love With the Koko Kollection, both of which were released many years ago now. I tend to gravitate towards pinks, browns, and purple lipstick shades, but it was nice to be reminded of how powerful a red lipstick can be. Maybe the next time that I am browsing products from Kylie Cosmetics, I will keep my eyes peeled for a full sized version of Mary Jo K. It is a gorgeous and bold colour!

As for the Kylie Skin products included in this bundle of samples, there was the mini Face Moisturizer in a small tube and in a small packet. This is a product that I have tried before (check out that review here) and really enjoy. I have repurchased the full-sized version several times, so it was especially nice to have mini versions to take away with me different places. There were a few other familiar products as well, including the Walnut Face Scrub and the Eye Cream. The face scrub works well, but it is a bit harsh, so it isn't something that I reach for all that often. That being said, this mini version was a nice little extra to add into my skin care routine recently, since my skin has been really dry with the cold winter temperatures. It needed a good scrub! As for the Eye Cream, that was a product that I had a full-sized version of and used completely. I haven't purchased another version (I've been testing out a different eye cream more recently) but it was nice to have this one back for a little while. The sample lasted for a few days and was a good reminder that this is a product that I want to re-purchase in the future. Now for the new-to-me product from Kylie Skin, the Detox Face Mask. This charcoal mask is supposed to deeply cleanse the skin, tackle clogged pores, and provide hydration. I actually really liked this mask sample. The mask worked well and made my skin feel a million times better afterward. This is one product that I will be adding to my shopping cart the next time I am out. 

Samples are a great way to try new things, be reminded of old favourites, or find travel sized versions of beauty must haves. It was wonderful to put some of these Kylie Cosmetics and Kylie Skin items to use recently...and dream about future purchases.

Have you tried anything from Kylie Cosmetics or Kylie Skin? What did you think of the products?


  1. Die Marke ist mir völlig unbekannt, klingt aber gut. LG Romy

  2. Who doesn't love samples? They're the best way to try new products!
    I' ve never tried Kylie Cosmetics, but I'd love to have samples like yours too to give it a try!

    1. Right?? They are so fun! Such a great way to test out lots of different things and find what works.

  3. Boa tarde de segunda-feira minha querida amiga. Esses cosméticos parecem maravilhosos.

    1. Thank you! I hope you are having a wonderful week <3

  4. I know these products but haven't used them. I would like to try it someday :) I like the samples and use them often :)

    1. I hope you are able to! Yes, samples can be a lot of fun to try!

  5. I absolutely loving trying out product samples. The only problem is that I easily get hooked and then splurge out on the full-size products :-) xxx


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