Monday, January 1, 2024

the book is called opportunity and its first chapter is new years day.

Welcome 2024! Somehow, a new year has arrived, but today, I am taking a moment to look back at the year that has ended. What a year it was. To be honest, I can't say that 2023 was my favourite year ever, though there were certainly some highlights. Generally was a mixture of good and not so good. The good? Seeing Clay Aiken in Niagara Falls, a vacation to Montreal, a special getaway with my husband in the fall (there were Halloween events and even a spaceship themed hotel room), and getting a new pet fish. The bad? Getting COVID in the summer (I was down for the count for about a month), the end of a longtime friendship, lots of anxiety, losing even more faith in humanity, and many of my loved ones getting COVID riiiiight before Christmas. Yeah, 2023 was a lot. Needless to say, I am looking forward to 2024. I am hoping for a better year.

At this time last year, my wish was for 2023 to be "a year full of joy, wonder, and growth." Though there were certainly many moments of happiness, it wouldn't be a year that I described as joyful or full of wonder. As for growth? There was definitely some of that. I stood up for myself more and continued to fight against injustice, both online and offline. I also did my best to learn, grow, and become a better person. It's funny...I used to think that in order to be a good person, I had to be bubbly and positive. Now, my view is very different. Being a good person, to me, means pushing back against harmful narratives and standing with survivors. It means being someone with strong ethics. It means caring about other human beings on this planet and fighting for their safety. There were so many times that I tried to silence myself in the past. So many times I bit my tongue. Kept it inside. Pushed down my discomfort. After all, I wanted so desperately to be liked and accepted. If nothing else, 2023 was the year that I decided to stop trying to be accepted by others and start accepting myself. There are many days that I struggle with confidence and self-esteem...but there are also many days that I realize I like who I am becoming. 

As I look ahead to the next twelve months, my heart is hopeful. Yes, despite the ups and downs in recent heart is still hopeful. I have a list of short-term and long-term goals that I plan to tackle strategically. I also plan to continue working on myself by learning more, journaling lots, and remembering to speak my mind. In the words of my personal hero, "My voice forever remains the most valuable asset I have." Here is to a 2024 where we will focus on justice, truth, and using our voices. 

What do you hope to see in 2024? How will you make the world a more beautiful place?


  1. Every day is a new opportunity! Thanks for sharing about your year. I would say that 2023 wasn't easy, if not for anything then for how crazy this world has gotten.

    1. So true. It was a difficult year for so many. I hope 2024 will be better <3

  2. 2023 was a very difficult year, we had a hard time due to the earthquake, I hope 2024 will bring us luck.

    1. I am so sorry for all you have had to deal with. I hope 2024 is good to you <3

  3. Every year has its ups and downs. I wish you more ups in 2024. Happy New Year to you! :)

  4. I am sorry to hear that your dear ones had health problems, especially in this period of the year. I understand you perfectly, we should stand for our values and this is why I wish you to accomplish all your objectives for 2024 even if that meabs not always being liked or approved by others.
    Stay strong, you have good values and you are a brave person and there is nothing that deserves more recognition than good values and brave persons and if others fail to recognize it, than they are not whorthy of your time or presence!

    1. Thank you so very much for your kind words. I appreciate them more than you know! Your comment really brightened my day. Please know that I am wishing you a wonderful 2024. Thank you again <3

  5. 2024 is for healing. <3 You're such an inspiration to update my blog / journal once in a while. Happy New Year! :)

    1. Definitely a time for healing! Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful year <3

  6. Happy New Year, Shannon! I have to admit that 2023 wasn't the best year for me either, so I am welcoming the opportunities offered by this new year! xxx

    1. Here is hoping that 2024 will be better to both of us!

  7. Hello beautiful, I feel that we have had a similar year in 2023, since I had to deal a lot with mental health issues, I suffered from anxiety the first few months, then came the demotivation and the realization that I was surrounded by many toxic people with that I was cutting off the interaction, happily the last quarter was much better for me and although I had a bad flu the first days of December I arrived well at Christmas and the New Year, they say that years number 7 (2+0+2+3 = 7) They have those characteristics, chaotic but they bring a lot of learning that we can use to our advantage in our life path, and so I take it, I receive 2024 with joy.

    1. I am so happy to hear that the last part of the year was better for you. Being able to cut out toxic people takes strength. You are amazing! I hope 2024 will be wonderful <3


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