Monday, February 5, 2024

current obsession: sailor moon for love and justice palette

My obsession with Sailor Moon began when I was in elementary school. I remember watching that first episode on YTV (a local channel that was a favourite for much of my adolescence) and immediately being hooked. From that point on, I was begging my mom for the Sailor Moon action figures and all sorts of Sailor Moon stickers at the dollar store. I remember getting in trouble by my fourth grade teacher, because I prioritized drawing pictures of the characters instead of paying attention to the lessons. Yes, the show was a full-blown obsession. Though I have had many obsessions over the years, Sailor Moon was, and still is, special. It is an important part of me. It represents my past, but it also represents my future. When I watch the episodes, I am reminded of what matters most to me and what I base my life on: fighting for love and justice. That simple message inspired me as a child and it continues to inspire me today. The world is dark and many people are cruel...which makes it even more important to fight for what is right. Sailor Moon is not just a television show to me. It is a reminder of what matters.

Several months back now, I went on a shopping trip to the USA. That meant I was able to visit an Ulta location. Though I wasn't looking for anything in particular, when I saw the Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon For Love and Justice Shadow Palette from was an immediate yes. There were actually two different Sailor Moon inspired palettes available. One was the For Love and Justice Shadow Palette and the other was the Pretty Guardian Shadow Palette. The latter had lots of peach, coral, and yellow shadows, so it was not as appealing to me. (Though it took all of my strength not to purchase it simply because of the cute themed packaging.) On the other hand, the For Love and Justice Shadow Palette had all of these beautiful purples, blues, and shimmers. There was just something about it. When it came to the packaging and theme, this checked all the boxes. There are Sailor Scouts on the front of the eyeshadow palette and on the inside as well. As for the eyeshadow names, all of them are themed. Some examples? Save The World, Friends Forever, Schoolgirl, and Her Destiny. When it comes to the theme, this is everything that a Sailor Moon fan could ask for. It is colourful, cute, and makes everything feel a little more beautiful. 

When it comes to eyeshadow...I love it all. Warm colours, cool colours, matte, shimmer, glitter, and anything else that I happen to come across. This ColourPop eyeshadow palette is described as a cool-toned palette that is "a must for Sailor Guardian fans." That is certainly an accurate description. This palette has colourful but cool mattes and shimmers. For the mattes, there is a soft pink, soft purple, lilac, and a deeper purple. Then there are beautiful shimmers in beige, turquoise, and blue. The standouts? There are some shimmers in here that have really unique finishes and consistencies. So Cosmic and Always There are gorgeous duo chromes. Then Friends Forever, Starlight, and Twinkles have a somewhat thicker consistency that feels somewhat creamy to the touch. Those particular shadows are the stars. I love the bold glittery finishes. Plus, that creamier consistency means the glitter and shimmer stays in place without a glitter glue or primer. Twinkles is the best eyeshadow. 

The Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon For Love and Justice Shadow Palette from ColourPop makes me happy. It is really different from the other eyeshadow palettes in my collection, thanks to the variety of finishes and those colourful cool-toned shades. Twinkles, Starlight, and Friends Forever are remarkable and look beautiful layered over another eyeshadow or worn alone. Everything about this Sailor Moon inspired eyeshadow palette makes me smile. When I need a little reminder that love and justice are the most important things there are...this palette is there to remind me. Thank goodness for Sailor Moon.

Are you a fan of Sailor Moon? What do you think of this themed eyeshadow palette?


  1. Oh my god this Sailor Moon palette is super cute <3 I love the packaging so much and the colours are also super nice - especially the blue glitter shade at the right bottom. Your make up look looks beautiful.
    I was a really big Fan of Sailor Moon and I still love her, she was my hero in my childhood :D

    1. Thank you =) I love to be Minnie Mouse this year, it's uncomplicated <3 :D Thanks.

    2. Right? It is super cute! I am seriously loving this eyeshadow palette - and Sailor Moon! :)

  2. Sailor moon, what was a cute anime character:) thanks for your review...

  3. Sailor Moon is been my current obsession since I was 8yo!^^
    Totally in love with that palette: beside the beautiful packaging, I looooove all these shades!
    Waaaaaant it!

    1. Right?! Sailor Moon is the best! So glad you appreciate her!

  4. Is it very ignorant of me that I hadn't heard of Sailor Moon?
    Judging from the characters on the packages, I can definitely see the attraction.
    And what gorgeous eyeshadow shades this palette has! The look you created with it is utterly divine! xxx

    1. It was really big where I live in the 90s when I was growing up. There are all sorts of different versions - the originals and then different English voiceovers. The characters are so wonderful. Thank you! <3

  5. It's wonderful to hear about the impact Sailor Moon has had on your life and the positive values it instilled in you. The show's messages of love, justice, and fighting for what is right have clearly resonated with you and shaped your perspective. It's amazing how certain childhood shows and characters can become a part of our identity and continue to inspire us as we grow older.

    1. Thank you so much. Your comments are always so kind. And you're is incredible how different characters can shape and impact us.

  6. I'm crazy! I love Sailor Moon, I would love a palette like this! It would be like a precious treasure to me, I probably wouldn't want to use it :D Great review!

    1. I hope you're able to find this one or something similar! It is so fun!

  7. The Palette is beautiful, i love your Eye Make up. Great Blog. I am a new Follower :)

    1. Thank you so much for the support! I really appreciate it!

  8. Uma excelente tarde de terça-feira minha querida amiga. Cor maravilhosa e linda.

  9. Wow, die Farben sind toll, vor allem die Glitzertöne gefallen mir. Steht dir super. LG Romy

    1. Thank you so much! I just love the glitters as well!


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