Wednesday, February 7, 2024

does it work?? winky lux catne pimple patches

The winter weather is always hard on my skin, but it seems to be especially harsh this year for whatever reason. I've been moisturizing regularly, exfoliating, and all the rest, but my skin is not cooperating. Currently, it is ultra dry on my forehead and cheeks, but there are blemishes around my chin. Talk about frustrating! Since I had these Catne Pimple Patches from Winky Lux on hand, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to put them to the test. So...does it work?? Keep reading to find out.

It must be said that the Catne Pimple Patches from Winky Lux are downright adorable. As you can see from the photo above, the patches are themed. While breakouts are never enjoyable...the products used to treat them can be. I love that little attention to detail. Making the patches cat shaped and having cute themed packaging certainly makes the experience a little better. According to the brand, these pimple patches "help minimize the appearance of blemishes by absorbing oil and impurities. The hydrocolloid patches cover blemishes to protect them from bacteria, prevent picking, and help minimize discomfort to encourage faster natural healing." The directions are simple: wash the area, put on the pimple patch, and remove after a minimum of six hours. I like that the product is themed (cats are adorable) and simple to use. 

The brand claims that these pimple patches prevent picking and protect the area from bacteria. That is certainly true, because with the cat shaped patch applied to the blemish, it isn't possible to pick, poke, or anything else. That being said, the patch feels somewhat uncomfortable, so it is best to use one before bed instead of during the day. As for the claim that it absorbs oil and impurities to minimize the appearance of blemishes? That wasn't my experience. Maybe my breakouts were a little too much for these pimple patches, but none of the blemishes were noticeably improved after using the Catne Pimple Patches.  

So...does it work?? Not so much. I love the idea of taking something unpleasant (like dealing with a breakout) and making it fun with cat shapes and cute packaging. However, the pimple patches did not effectively minimize the appearance of my blemishes. In fact, they looked the same as they did before the patch was applied. It was disappointing, for sure. That being said, the effectiveness likely depends on a number of factors, like the kind of blemish and how long the blemish has been around. While I appreciate the idea of these adorable pimple patches, the Catne Pimple Patches just did not work for me.

Have you tried these patches before? What do you think of Winky Lux products?


  1. They are very cute but I'm sorry to read they aren't working much :-( Still worth a try though if it keeps one from picking, something I'm often guilty of! xxx

    1. I am guilty of that, too, so at least there is that benefit! I just wish it actually helped address the issue!

  2. They look super cute. But it would be great, if they would work. xxx

  3. Thanks for the honest review as always, Shannon:) My daughter has been asking for pimple patches so I'm on the lookout for a good one that's not gonna break the bank. I'm skipping this one for sure then.
    Hope you're having a great week so far!

    1. If you happen to find a good one that works well, let me know! I always thought I would have clear skin at this age, but, apparently not!

  4. That is shame and frustrating that it did not work. The kitties are cute though. Good for tweens and young teens to keep them from picking at their pimples.

    Leanne Thompson of

  5. They look pretty, but shame they did not work :(

  6. Oh these are cute! Too bad they didn't work for you! I currently have some Hello Kitty Starface pimple patches on right now. I do find they help my pimples dry up faster. Have you tried Starface? :)

    1. Oh, thank you for the heads up! I haven't tried that brand, but I am going to look into their products ASAP.

  7. I don't know any of these, but I have similar patches at home, but I haven't had a chance to try them out. I wonder how they will work on my skin :D Great post, great review, my dear!

    1. Fingers crossed the ones you have will work well! Thank you <3


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