Monday, March 11, 2024

love it or leave it? emma stone (2024 bafta)

Award season means there are always lots of red carpet looks to ooh and ahh over. It is an exciting time for fashion lovers and celebrity enthusiasts alike. Emma Stone recently turned heads at the 2024 BAFTAs, where she won an award for Best Actress thanks to her role in Poor Things. I have to be honest....I did not like Poor Things. At all. Controversial opinion, I suppose, since Emma is receiving tons of praise for the role. My friend and I saw the movie at the theatre on the opening weekend and it was such a terrible experience. I did not like the cinematography at all or the sexualization of the character, particularly in the early portions of the film. I understood what the movie was going for, but to me, it was an unpleasant watch all around. I was thrilled when it ended. I love Emma Stone in general and she was the reason I wanted to see the movie in the first place. Unfortunately, it was not something that I enjoyed. As for her red carpet look, it is time to find out if it is a love it or leave it? 

What I Love: This dress is apparently a custom made one from Louis Vuitton with a silk bodice, chiffon skirt, and quilted band. It was intended to nod to the style of the character in the film. So...what do I love? The colour of the dress is gorgeous and looks absolutely incredible on Emma Stone. I love the dramatic puffed sleeve and the upper portion of the dress. The drama and the beading is over the top in the best possible way. Her hair, makeup, and accessories are also wonderful.  

What I Loathe: Well...I hate the rest of the dress. As beautiful as the top portion is, the bottom is not my favourite. I don't like the sheer fabric with the quilted bottom. It just doesn't seem to mesh well. Normally, I like a little contrast, but this isn't working for me, especially with everything going on up top. It's a lot to look at. To be honest, this whole outfit feels like a total miss. I love the colour of the dress and the dramatic sleeve, but all the pieces fail to come together. It is such a shame! it or leave it? This is definitely a leave for me. Though the colour of the dress looks fantastic on Emma Stone, the actual design feels off. It is so heavy and structured on the top, then sheer and flowy in the center, and structured again at the bottom. I really want to like this look, but I just don't at all. Kind of like the movie she won the award for, actually.

What do you think of this red carpet outfit? Love it or leave it?


  1. Emma Stone is wonderful. The Dress is leave it.

  2. Although I have seen and liked many films featuring Emma Stone,
    I have yet to see 'Poor Things' but trust your assessment of the film.
    As for the couture, I like the style of the puffed shoulder but am not a big fan of asymmetrical designs. I also like the colour of the design, the jacquard on the bodice, and the semi-sheer skirt. I like that it featured fairly full briefs underneath, although I would prefer mine to have been a complementary soft blue colour. I can see how the quilted bottom adds weight affecting the drape, but I think ruffles or a jacquard at the hem might have looked nicer.
    Thanks for posting this enlightening review after having endured the movie through to the end.
    Best wishes for the Spring ahead (my favourite season).

    1. I like your idea of a soft blue colour instead! That would have created a lot more interest. I hope you have a wonderful spring season <3

  3. It's interesting to hear your perspective on Emma Stone's recent film, "Poor Things," especially amidst the praise she's receiving for her performance. It seems like it didn't quite meet your expectations, particularly in terms of cinematography and portrayal of the character. It's always disappointing when a highly anticipated movie doesn't resonate with us as viewers. On a brighter note, red carpet looks are always a highlight during award season.

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    1. Unfortunately so! Hopefully her next movie will be something that resonates! <3

  4. Emma Stone is great but I can't say the same about the dress.

    1. Agree! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!

  5. This dress is a "leave it" for me too.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the look!

  6. I haven't seen Poor Things but I've heard lots of praise. I'm sorry it was such a bad experience for you. As for the dress, I am on the fence, particularly about the sleeve. I'm generally not a fan of asymmetrical garments. I do like the bodice and the colour though! xxx

    1. I don't want to post spoilers, but it was really awful. Agree that the dress colour was really lovely!

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  8. Thanks a lot, I'm really happy wo win so many tickets for Basketball, it makes so much fun <3
    My week was really busy but wonderful =) Thank you <3

    I like Emma Stone a lot, she's such a good actress. I'm so happy for her that she won an Oscar. This dress looks interesting, I wouldn't wear it by myself but she looks fantastic.

  9. TBH, I've never been a big Emma Stone fan, Shannon:( I've yet to see La La Land, and also have not seen Poor Things, although I will probably watch it coz the rest of the cast seems pretty good, and it's on Disney Plus now. This dress....meh....I just don't like the colour on her.

    1. Let me know what you end up thinking of the movie. As I mentioned, it was not something that I enjoyed, so I am curious to hear your perspective!


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