Wednesday, March 13, 2024

morphe 35a up til dawn artistry palette (review + makeup look)

Morphe is sold at Sephora in Canada...though I haven't purchased anything from the brand there in some time. The reason? Different Morphe eyeshadow palettes continue to appear at Winners for a fraction of the price. I like makeup and I like makeup at a discounted price. It is a win-win. A little while back, I came across the 35A Up 'Til Dawn Artistry Palette from Morphe for $25 CDN. With 35 different eyeshadow shades to choose from, this was an exciting find. Ready to take a peek inside? Find out how the eyeshadow palette performs? Here is everything you need to know about this beautiful (and discounted) release.

The brand describes the 35A Up 'Til Dawn Artistry Palette as "Bold. Bright. All night. Keep your artistry energized from dusk until dawn with a tropical inspired palette shimmering with a romance of 35 rich, buildable, blendable neutrals, greens, and pinks. Transition from natural, matte effects to smoked-out looks and vivid, glowing vibes that light up when the sun goes down." Yes, this tropical inspired eyeshadow palette has lots of beautiful colours to choose from. I really love the warm neutrals (especially the almond and terra cotta shades) and all of the gorgeous greens. And then all of the beautiful vibrant pink colours! There is a lot to choose from in terms of the colours and finishes. I like that there is a combination of matte and shimmer...and that there are light, medium, and dark shades. It is possible to create many different makeup looks using this ultra versatile eyeshadow palette. The bold and fun colour story makes this eyeshadow palette a real winner.

The palette packaging is standard and essentially the exact same as other Morphe eyeshadow palettes. It is fairly sturdy cardboard with a design on the front that looks like a rippling water and the reflection of a tropical plant. It is cute but simple. On the inside, there are eyeshadow names printed underneath each eyeshadow, which is always a bonus. I love when companies take the time to name each eyeshadow and it is always preferred when the shadow names are printed on the actual packaging. The colour story? Amazing. The variety of finishes? Fantastic. The packaging? Decent. As for the actual quality of the eyeshadows, this is a really impressive release. Some Morphe palettes have some inconsistencies, where most of the eyeshadows are really great but a handful are not as impressive. However, all of the eyeshadows in the 35A Up 'Til Dawn Artistry Palette perform well. These are colourful, easy to use, and blend well. Ready to see some of them in action? 

For this particular makeup look, it was all about those beautiful pink eyeshadow shades. Private Sweet was blended through the crease and then Dance Hall was applied all over the lid. The outer corner was deepened slightly with Flame Desire and then the pink shimmer, Cha Cha, was applied in the center of the lid for a little extra shine. 2AM Gem was added to the inner corner and underneath the brow bone for even more sparkle and shine. Curious about the other shadows in this palette? Not to worry....there will be a 2 looks 1 palette post dedicated to the 35A Up 'Til Dawn Artistry Palette in the next couple of weeks. That post will feature some of those fabulous warm neutrals as well as those amazing green eyeshadow shades. 

This eyeshadow palette stands out for all the right reasons. The colour story is fabulous and I love how many makeup looks can be created using the bold and unique shades. The 35A Up 'Til Dawn Artistry Palette from Morphe is seriously stellar.

What do you think of this eyeshadow palette? Do you like to use Morphe products?


  1. So nice makeup pallete, thanks for your sharing

  2. What a fantastic palette, i love the green tones.
    Your make up looks beautiful.

    1. Thank you! I really love the greens in the palette as well.

  3. This palette is stunning! I have some Morphe blushes that I really like but I do not have many products from the brand. I will have to keep my eyes open for it at Winners :)

    1. Winners has a lot of makeup for a great price! :D

  4. What a stunning palette, Shannon, and I'm glad to read all the eyeshadows performed well! xxx

    1. I love all of the different colours to choose from!

  5. I have always been very interested in the Morphe palettes with all those shades of shadows and glitter, I have one like that but in another brand and colors, I like the pigmentation that this one has and I think it is perfect for spring and summer, I I loved your proposal with warm tones. Kisses!

    1. You're right...there are definitely great spring and summer colours here!


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