Monday, May 6, 2024

review and reveal: charmed aroma (cinderella jewelry tray + candle)

Cinderella is one of those movies that reminds me of my youth. Though all Disney cartoons were special, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Pocahontas were some of my most watched VHS tapes. Those characters always felt extra special to me. When it comes to Cinderella, there was (and still is) a lot to love. The beautiful dress, the cute animals, and of course, the idea that miracles happen to good people. I loved it all. Fun fact: my wedding theme was actually Cinderella! Needless to say, the movie, the music, and the characters will always be important to me. I suppose it is fitting that my last Charmed Aroma review and reveal is a Cinderella themed one. The Charmed Aroma stores have all shut down where I live and I do not like the idea of shipping breakable items to my doorstep. So...this is it as far as I can tell. There is just one last candle to review. Ready for this final Charmed Aroma post? It is time to take a look at this Cinderella themed jewelry tray and candle. 

The Cinderella Gus and Jaq Jewelry Tray and Scented Candle is ideal for a Disney fanatic like myself. Sure, there is the candle and the jewellery hidden inside, but it is the actual design that makes me happy. The base has a beautiful blue and gold Cinderella themed print (with clocks, mice, stars, shoes, and silhouettes all over) and the top portion is a removable jewellery tray with Gus and Jaq sitting in a teacup. One thing I really like about a lot of the specialty Charmed Aroma candles is the fact that the candle bases can be reused. Once the candle is done, this can be washed out, and jewellery can be stored inside and on the saucer portion of the lid. Cute, fun, and totally practical. I just love the way this candle looks sitting on my dresser!

As for the candle itself, this is a two wick candle, but it doesn't burn evenly on the sides, which is a bit frustrating. There is a large build up of wax along the edges. I prefer when candles are designed thoughtfully so the wax will melt evenly, but perhaps I am being picky. When it comes to the actual candle scent, it is described by Charmed Aroma as being "a harmonious scent blend of bergamot, fig, citrus lime, and orange." It is light, sweet, and fresh. Definitely ideal for this time of year. 

Now for the reveal...ta da! There were a few different possibilities in terms of the design tucked away inside. There was a glass slipper, Cinderella silhouette, teacup with Gus and Jaq, and the clock. As you can see from the picture above, the clock was inside my Charmed Aroma candle. It has a tiara style design on top and little clock hands in front of a blue stone. According to the Charmed Aroma appraisal, this has a $60 value. Though I like the necklace inside, it is not my favourite, because it isn't as obviously Cinderella themed as some of the other options. That being said, it is cute, and the candle holder is everything I needed and so much more. All in all, this was a pretty good send off for the brand. I will certainly miss these fun reveals! 

Have you ever purchased a Charmed Aroma candle? Who is your favourite Disney princess?


  1. Such fun memories inspired by these adorable Cinderella themed items!
    I have fond memories of being read the story of cinderella at the lunch table when I was young, and, of course, of all the Cinderella and Cinderella-themed comics, and when I was older Cinderella themes in movies and television episodes of all kinds!
    These items are very cute and fun to look at!

    1. It's such an enduring story! I love that all the different versions have touched so many people over the years!

  2. Your nostalgia for Disney classics like Cinderella is palpable! Those timeless tales have a way of staying with us, don't they? It's wonderful to hear that you incorporated your love for Cinderella into your wedding theme. It sounds like a perfect blend of childhood dreams and grown-up elegance. Thanks for sharing this delightful snippet of your story! Read my new blog post.

    1. They absolutely do! Thank you so much for your kind comment. It is so appreciated!

  3. So nice items, I will waiting for your visite

  4. What a pity it wasn't one of your favourites, but the necklace is still pretty! xxx

  5. The cup is so cute... I would buy it just for the cup :P
    I usually don't buy two wick candles, hence I bought just one until now, a big jar candle from Ikea and it burned very symmetrically plus it gave off a really fantastic aroma. The necklace looks very cute but I agree with you, everything it is a bit expensive...
    P.S: Cinderella was actually my favorite story as a child and I loved all the cartoons that depicted the story.

    1. Right? It is adorable! Aww I love that Cinderella was a favourite of yours as well :D

  6. Nice review =) This candle looks so cute, "Cinderella" is one of my favourite princess movies. The necklace is also beautiful but yes it's not "Cinderella"-themed, that's a little bit sad.

    1. It is such a wonderful movie! And yes, I wish the necklace was more themed. Ah well!


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