how to de-frizz your hair this summer

There are an awful lot of advantages to the summer season. Like the beach, dinner with friends, and super cute outfits. With so many advantages to enjoy, it seems only fair that there are a couple of minor disadvantages to deal with as well. Like frizzy and unmanageable hair. Stop throwing your locks into a messy bun every single day. Ditto that lifeless ponytail. Ditch that summer frizz and get the gorgeous hair you have been dreaming of with these tips and tricks.Start With The Right Products. It’s amazing how many different hair care products are lining the shelves these days. For straight hair, curly hair, short hair, dry hair, oily scalp…. the list goes on and on. Included on that list? Frizzy hair. These days, there are some great products specifically targeted towards frizzy hair. You might not need them throughout the year but once summer hits, it is worth the investment. Incorporate a frizz reducing shampoo or serum and go from there.

Add Extra Moisture To Your Hair. The best way to combat frizz? Keep your hair nice and moisturized. The summer heat can dry it out, which causes frizz to occur. That makes added moisture an absolute must. Treat yourself to a hair mask once a week, never skip out on conditioner, and use hair oils as necessary. It is also a good idea to avoid showering every single day. That strips the hair of its natural oils, causing it to dry out faster.

Don’t Just Hydrate With Products…. Drink Up! There is nothing good about dehydrated hair. Taking time to add moisture back into your locks is important, but so is a healthy diet. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. It is easy to become dehydrated in the warm summer weather so be proactive. Bring a reusable water bottle with you on your way to work and re-fill often. Your hair will notice the difference.

Other De-Frizzing Tips: Let your hair air dry rather than using a blow dryer, avoid heat styling whenever possible, brush your hair with a wide toothed comb before creating your next hairstyle, and apply a leave in conditioner to your hair before you work out. These extra steps will help your hair look its best, wherever the summer takes you.

Leave frizz in the past once and for all. Treat yourself to a summer of stunning hair! These tips and tricks will help you de-frizz…. and look amazing all season long.

The summer sun can easy cause issues like frizz but there are some benefits as well. Like all of that gorgeous sunshine!





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