winter skin care week: seasonal skin care tips

The winter season can be summed up in a single word: dry. The cool temperatures outside can cause your scalp to be flaky, your hair to become limp and damaged, and your skin to feel tight and uncomfortable. There is nothing worse. If you are tired of living with dryness winter after winter…you don’t have to deal with it anymore. This season, it is time to say goodbye to dry once and for all. That’s right…there are many different ways to ditch the winter blues and feel more comfortable this season.

Combating a Dry Scalp.  Let’s start at the top…literally. During the winter months, a lot of people deal with an itchy scalp. This can lead to unsightly white flakes all over your favourite seasonal sweater. Unfortunately, many of us actually make our dry scalp problem worse. How? The moment we see flakes, our first instinct is to grab a dandruff shampoo. This is a common mistake. While these shampoos are fantastic at treating dandruff, they should not be used to deal with a dry scalp as they can actually dry out your scalp even more. The best solution is to use hair care products that provide moisture – and lots of it! Look for words like “hydrating” or “moisturizing” on the bottle of your hair care products. Another way to combat a dry scalp is to limit heat styling unless it is absolutely necessary. Too much dry heat can cause your scalp to feel itchy or become flaky.  

Combating Dry Skin. We have all been there before. One minute our skin is fine and the next it feels tight, itchy, and our makeup isn’t setting quite right. This is winter dryness at work! When the skin is exposed to chilly temperatures, it can tighten and lose moisture too quickly. The result? A very long and uncomfortable winter. Thankfully, there are plenty of great products that work to keep dry skin to a minimum. Moisturizer is key. Make sure you are applying moisturizer before you apply your foundation in the morning. You may also want to use a foundation with a dewy finish rather than a matte finish to avoid flakes or dryness from looking obvious. Before bed, use a thicker moisturizer. This product will settle into your skin overnight, leaving you with gorgeous skin by morning. Other ways to combat dry skin? Exfoliate once a week and use gentle cleansers.

Dry skin happens…. but it doesn’t have to. This season, use the right products and have a moisture-intensive beauty routine in place. Before you know it, you’ll have forgotten all about your dry scalp and skin.





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