does it work?? londontown kur illuminating nail concealer

There has been a lot of buzz surrounding the Kur Illuminating Nail Concealer from Londontown over the last couple of years. In fact, it sold out over and over again. (It is currently sold out on the Shoppers Drug Mart website but is available on the brand website in a few different shades.) Given the popularity of this Londontown product, it seems this is the ideal choice for the latest does it work?? post here on the creation of beauty is art. How does it perform? Here is everything you need to know…

There are five different colour choices available for this Kur Illuminating Nail Concealer: original, pink, quartz, bubble, and bare. The version that I have been putting to use is original, a milky white shade. According to the brand, this is an instant brightener for dull and discoloured nails. It is intended to combine colour and care. It disguises discolouration (something that I deal with from time to time thanks to darker nail polish colours) and imperfections. In fact, it is often referred to as a filter for your nails. It’s certainly an interesting concept. In addition to making the nails looks better right away, the Kur Illuminating Nail Concealer also has antioxidants to brighten the surface of the nail over time. The brand describes the product as being “the ideal combination of color and care, designed to give the illusion of naturally flawless nails.” So….does it work?? 

In short? Yes. The Kur Illuminating Nail Concealer works as described. One coat creates a subtle milky finish and two coats makes that milky colour a little more intense. After using it both ways, my preference is to use one coat rather than two. Two sort of looks like there isn’t enough nail polish on, while one coat looks like there is an intentional soft wash of colour. The nail concealer dries fairly quickly, looks ultra glossy, and lasts well. It stays on my nails for about a week before showing signs of wear. This is a really interesting product and it is certainly different than anything else in my nail polish collection. I like that it is possible to create a subtle milky manicure quickly and easily. Though the original shade is nice, the other colours are certainly intriguing as well. Who knows? Maybe one day I will be able to try out some of those as well. Until then, I will continue to put the original version of the Kur Illuminating Nail Concealer to use. This Londontown product is unique and is worthy of the hype.





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