Showing posts with label beginner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beginner. Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2023

beginner series: tips to wear neon makeup

Neon makeup is bold, bright, and hard to ignore. While the colours are undoubtedly eye catching, they can also be a little intimidating to wear. Since the colours are so noticeable, there is little room for error when it comes to application. Want to embrace all things neon this season but don't know how to make it work? Not to worry. Keep reading for some beginner friendly tips that will make neon coloured beauty products your new favourite must have.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

five minute face: morphe M2 ready in 5 eyeshadow palette

Lately, it seems that my to-do list is overloaded. There are always so many tasks to check off. I suppose that is the way of it. There are busier times and slower times...and this is a busier time. It seems that the next several months will be somewhat full, but in the wise words of Dory from Finding Nemo, just keep swimming! With so much to tackle each day, it is essential to have a few quick and easy makeup looks ready. Yes, I'm talking about a five minute face. Lately, I've been using the Morphe M2 Ready in 5 Eyeshadow Palette in From Hawaii With Love to achieve a dramatic look in mere minutes. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

five minute face: valentine's day edition

Happy Valentine's Day! Another holiday has arrived. There is something so special about each and every one. I love holiday traditions, the decorations, and the time spent with important people. Valentine's Day in particular is all about love. Whether you are focusing on self love today, love for a partner, friend, or family your best to celebrate in whatever way you choose. As for me? There will be loved ones, chocolate, cards, and of course, the movie Valentine's Day. (It is one of my favourites and is a must-watch each year.) Though ultra glamorous Valentine's Day looks are a lot of fun for a night out, if you plan on spending the night in or just want something quick and easy, a five minute face is ideal. Who said holiday inspired makeup needs to take a lot of time to achieve? In honour of Valentine's Day, here is a simple and wearable makeup look. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2022

beginner series: how to perfect the five minute face

There is always so much to do. So much to check off of that never-ending to do list. While it may be nice to spend an hour and a half leisurely applying each and every beauty product...sometimes the clock is ticking. Maybe you need to run out to handle some errands or a last-minute Zoom call was scheduled. Perhaps you overslept and only have a few minutes before you need to head to the office. Whatever the reason may be, it is always possible to pull together a super quick and easy five minute face. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure that the process of getting ready is as enjoyable and seamless as possible.  

Saturday, April 17, 2022

beginner series: achieve thicker and fuller eyelashes

There’s nothing quite like thick eyelashes. They always stand out! Unfortunately, we aren’t all blessed with them naturally. Not to worry...there are many ways to make the most of what you’ve got. This beginner series lash guide will: show you how to add thickness to your natural lashes, overview the best ways to promote lash growth, and outline products that will make your lashes look their best. If you’ve been dreaming of photo-ready eyelashes, look no further. A few small changes can make all the difference. Now is the perfect time to maximize your lashes. 

Saturday, February 6, 2022

beginner series: five tips to make false eyelash application easier

Bigger is better…especially when it comes to lashes. Stars like Kim Kardashian and Gigi Hadid have made look-at-me lashes a must-have both on and off the red carpet. With stunning celebs sporting perfectly curled lashes everywhere they go (lashes with tons of thickness and length), it only stands to reason that everyone else wants to follow suit. At least every now and again! Some people are blessed with full lashes of their very own. The rest of us need a little extra help to make it happen. That’s why false eyelashes have become so popular. You can find them at your local drugstore, beauty supply store, or makeup counter. If lash application seems a little too complicated – or you haven’t had much luck in the past – don’t worry. These five tips will make it quick and easy to apply false eyelashes.

Friday, August 7, 2020

beginner series: choosing an eyeshadow palette

Are you new to makeup? Then the word palette might be a little bit scary. Eyeshadow trios or quads may be more in your comfort zone. Take a deep breath. You can find the perfect palette for wherever you are in your makeup journey. It doesn't matter if you are brand spanking new, still learning, a total pro, or somewhere in between. Finding an eyeshadow palette that gives you everything you need simply requires additional thought and care. Here are some effective tools to help you choose a palette that suits your needs and current skill level.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

how to wear a statement lipstick with confidence

Blend in? Never. Though in my day to day life, my personality is more than content to blend in and hide in the shadows...when it comes to my makeup? Bolder is better. Dramatic smokey eyes, thick winged liner, and rainbow lipstick colours are all fair game. Ultra natural is rarely my go-to. Perhaps that explains why statement lipstick looks always inspire me. That concentrated placement of colour can be so unexpected and inspiring. It is especially powerful during the spring and summer months when bright pinks and purples are even more so in style. Eager to wear a bold power lip this season? Keep these tips in mind. They will help you wear a statement lipstick shade with confidence.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

beginner series: four essential blush shades

It can be a little overwhelming. Using makeup for the first time can be both thrilling and totally terrifying. What colours are best? Which brands work well? There are so many questions and finding the answers often feels impossible. Don't worry! That is what this beginner series is all about. If you are just dipping your toes into the wonderful world of makeup, you might have some questions about blush shades. There are plenty of individual blush pans lining the shelves and just as many blush palettes. What do you actually need? Here are four essential blush shades that will cover your bases. From neutral looks to evening wear and everything in between.

Friday, August 9, 2019

beginner series: going bright with your makeup

When I first started wearing makeup, colour was on the back burner. I was really hesitant to wear bright makeup at first. One wrong move and I could wind up looking like a Barbie doll from the 80s. I envisioned garish streaks of pink along the cheekbones, super bright lipstick, and one harsh eyeshadow shade all over the eyelid.  Not exactly soft and subtle. Despite my fear of bright makeup shades…I have been branching out over the last several years. A blue eyeshadow here. A purple lipstick there. Before long, I was saying so long to neutrals and had managed to incorporate colour into many of my makeup looks. If you are just getting started, bright colours may not be something you gravitate towards naturally. It is time for that to change. There are so many reasons to go bright with your makeup. Here are a few to consider. 

Friday, February 22, 2019

beginner series: foundations for every skin type

Winter weather is harsh. That alone can wreak havoc on your skin, making it difficult to keep your foundation looking flawless. The solution? Get a new foundation. Just because you have normal to oily skin during the summer months doesn’t necessarily mean you'll have the same skin type during fall, spring, or those chilly winter months. Whether you’ve been seeing flakes or tons of shine, take a deep breath. You simply need to switch up your foundation to make sure it suits your current skin type. Don’t know which brands to choose or what to look for? This guide will help you find the right foundation for your needs. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

beginner series: finding the perfect foundation

Everyone makes mistakes. From second dates to fading trends and even makeup, missteps happen to the best of us. I can clearly recall my very first makeup mistake. (Only I didn’t know it was a mistake at the time!) My liquid eyeliner was so thick it could have doubled as an eyeshadow. It a lot. There are many beauty blunders you may face yourself, especially when it comes to foundation. Both beginners and experienced beauty buffs can slip up on their product choices. Make sure you aren’t one of them! It is time to find the perfect foundation for you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

beginner series: when to move on (makeup, brushes, and more)

Sometimes, it’s hard to let go. Your makeup collection is a part of your life. Day after day after day you reach for those much-loved products…. and for good reason. They help you unleash your creative side and have fun while you’re at it. No wonder so many of us struggle to toss out old beauty products. Maybe I’ll use it again! What if I can’t find a replacement? But they discontinued that shade! You deserve better. It’s time to let go of products that have surpassed their usefulness. This is your guide to moving on with ease….

Thursday, June 7, 2018

beginner series: how to make your eyeshadow last

Creased eyeshadow is every beauty lovers worst nightmare. Don't happens to the best of us. Though you only left the house a few hours ago, your gorgeous smoky eye is now anything but stunning. Eyeshadow is a fantastic way to draw attention to your gorgeous peepers and get creative at the same time, but without the right products, it rarely stays where you want it to. Not to worry! It is time to achieve longer lasting eyeshadow in three easy steps.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

what falling asleep in makeup does to your skin

My worst beauty habit? Falling asleep in my makeup. Forgetting (or being too tired, lazy, or unmotivated) to remove makeup before bedtime is one of the most common beauty blunders there is. Realistically, it will happen to all of us at one point or another. Maybe you had a crazy long day at the office and you want nothing more than to plop down onto your warm, comfy bed. Or maybe you went out with friends and the evening ran crazy long. There is always a reason to skip this step. Trust me – I have come up with more than a few excuses of my own! However, falling asleep in your makeup can affect the health and overall appearance of your skin. So, what does it actually do?

Friday, March 2, 2018

beginner series: perfecting the no-makeup makeup look

Do you like bold makeup looks? Over the top? Dramatic? Those looks are great…but every now and again it is nice to rock the no-makeup makeup look. You know, something natural, fresh, and pretty. After wearing heavy eyeliner and false lashes day in and day out, something simple can feel like a breath of fresh air. The no-makeup look is perfect for days when you are running late or just want to keep it simple and sweet. Today, why not ditch the smokey eye look? It is time to perfect no-makeup makeup.

Friday, February 16, 2018

four blog tips to help you grow your little piece of the internet.

Every blog has its ups and downs. Some people are able to find a niche market and build an audience quickly, while others toil away for years and years with little success. When it comes to being a can be a roller coaster ride. You never know quite what to expect. Though there are many different types of bloggers out there (the ones who strive to earn their income from blogging vs ones who do it purely for the enjoyment factor), it is always possible to grow.

Let me just say this: Mansa Fashion. is not a crazy popular blog. However, it is something I am extremely proud of. I have worked very hard to establish it, expand it, and maintain an audience. This is no easy feat! So, today I wanted to share a few blogger tips with you all. Here are four ways to grow your own little piece of the Internet.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

beginner series: make your lip colour last

Has it happened to you? You left the house with perfectly applied lipstick, but by the time you reach mid-day, that stunning red lip has faded into oblivion. Despite all of the long-lasting formulas and 24-hour claims, most lip colours fail to have the staying power we crave. Especially when you add in tasks like eating or drinking! You want your makeup to look picture perfect all day long. Well, it can. These tips will make sure your lip colour lasts all day and all night.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

beginner series: choosing the right blush shade

When it comes to blush, the possibilities are endless. Pink, raspberry, mauve, bronze, and every colour in between. The right shade? It can pull your entire makeup look together. Suddenly that smokey eye doesn’t look so overwhelming and that bold lipstick has a little more balance. That is the beauty of this finishing touch. It can add polish and poise in a flash! Unless you are sporting the wrong shade for your skin tone. Then your entire look can appear unflattering or out of sorts. Make sure that never happens to you. Get ready to find the right blush shade…

Friday, January 5, 2018

simple and effective beauty hacks.

Life gets busy. Our schedules are jam packed with work, appointments, get-togethers and to do lists. That makes it especially important to find ways to save time and money. It might seem impossible – but guess what? There are plenty of ways to speed up your beauty routine, spend less cash on products, and work around common beauty hiccups. Are you ready? These beauty hacks are the perfect way to simplify your busy life.
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