Showing posts with label other. Show all posts
Showing posts with label other. Show all posts

Thursday, September 29, 2022

my experience at the world of barbie event.

Though it is still difficult for me to be out and about in the family continues to encourage me to leave the house every now and then. This time? It was the lure of Barbie that encouraged me to head outside. Not too far away, the World of Barbie exhibit was available for fans of all ages to live their Barbie fantasy. There was a full-sized model of the Barbie Dreamhouse and camper van as well as life size Barbie doll boxes, a Barbie space shuttle, and more. It was certainly a feast for the eyes! For as long as I can remember, this iconic doll has been a part of my life. (My first word was "Barbie.") I admired her incredible house, undeniable eye for fashion, and the fact that she could be literally anything. Given my history with the doll, it was hard to resist a Barbie themed event. Ready to find out how it was? Take a peek at all of the recreations? Keep reading...

Thursday, December 19, 2019

12 days of Christmas (Winterlicious Questions) - Day 6

Life has definitely been busy lately. There are all sorts of seasonal activities keeping me busy. From
dinners with friends to movie marathons with the family and shopping trips with my husband....there just isn't a dull moment these days! Here is hoping your days are equally as full, but in the best possible way. In case you missed my first post, check out the Winterlicious Questions that I will be answering every day until the 25th of December. For Day Six in this countdown to Christmas, the focus is on holiday beverages.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

12 days of Christmas (Winterlicious Questions) - Day 5

One week. There is just one week until Christmas! Each and every year, I do my best to slow down and enjoy this oh-so-magical time of year. I aim to get things done early so I don't feel so rushed when it comes down to crunch time. Yet, despite all of my prepping and seems there is always so much to squeeze in at the last minute. Here is hoping you are spending the last week before Christmas resting, relaxing, and making happy memories. Are you ready for Day Five? In case you missed my first post, check out the Winterlicious Questions that I will be answering every day until the 25th of December. Today's post is all about winter scents.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

double, double, toil and trouble.

It is just one day away. Yes, tomorrow is Halloween. Though my favourite holiday will always be Christmas....all holidays excite me at least a little bit. There is something so thrilling about it. People are usually in a good mood, make time to have fun, and tap into their inner child. For at least a little while. This year, Halloween falls on a Thursday night so my plans are somewhat limited. That doesn't mean I won't be celebrating, though. After work, I have cleared my schedule for a mini movie marathon. There are plenty of fantastic Halloween themed movies that I have been enjoying this month. However, there are a few that I will be watching (or re-watching) on the day itself.  What are they? And what are a few of my other seasonal favourites? Here is a little list to inspire your movie choices this Halloween.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

birthday post + sephora birthday gift (mini review)

Some people loathe birthdays. Dread them, even. Not me! For as long as I can remember, I have eagerly looked forward to my birthday. October 24th has always felt like a special day in my world. Not only is it my my birthday but it is also my brothers birthday as well. (Yes, I am a twin.) Since it is so important to me and my is extra important to celebrate, enjoy, and make special memories. Which is why today I am in full celebration mode. How will I celebrate? And what was my birthday gift from Sephora this year? Keep reading to find out.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right

Happy New Year! This is my first post in a fresh new year and it is kind of exciting. Though the end of 2018 is a little bittersweet (so many wonderful things happened)....I am thrilled to start 2019 with optimism and joy in my heart. Today, I took a little bit of time to look back at my resolutions from last year. I did my best to keep up with them throughout the year and am quite happy with all of the progress I made. I was able to cross many things off completely and accomplish a number of personal, spiritual, and professional goals. There is no doubt about it: 2018 was a fabulous year.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

seasonal favourites for 2018

Somehow, the month of December always seems to move at lightning speed. It feels as though I waited ages for December to arrive and is all going by too quickly. Anyone else feel the same? I wish I could slow down this time of year. That way, I could sit back and appreciate all of the little moments that make the Christmas season special. Confession: that is sort of the goal with my post today. I wanted to share some of my seasonal favourites for the year. That way, I can take time to reflect on some of the things that have been making me smile so far. Here you will find lots and lots of favourites, from movies to music to food and more.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

liebster award.

What a surprise! First of all, I would like to thank Laura from Lalabetterdayz for nominating me for the Liebster Award. It was a lovely surprise and I am so honoured. In today's post, I will be answering her questions and sharing my own questions for whoever would like to participate. Here goes....

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

four haunting halloween activities.

Boo! The spookiest time of year is finally here. It is much more than your typical candy-coated holiday. (Though there will certainly be plenty of candy given out to eager trick or treaters.) This season is all about scary stories, fake blood, and haunted houses. Get in on the action. Instead of letting another Halloween pass you by…make the most of it. How? Try these haunting Halloween activities. Your celebration will be full of fun, excitement, and maybe even a few scares.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

the struggle ends when gratitude begins.

Generosity is a gift that never goes unnoticed. Lately, I've been feeling especially grateful for the wonderful things in my life. From random early morning small tips from regular a random bag of goodies from a good time spent with the people that know me best. The list goes on and on. These acts of kindness and generosity have gone far beyond momentary happiness. They have restored my faith in the world. They have made me want to put that same kind of love and positivity back into the universe.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

chasing your dreams and staying motivated

We all have big dreams, well thought out plans, and hopes for the future. Sometimes they have to do with our personal lives and other times they relate to our careers. Whatever those big dreams may be – it is important to stay motivated. Honestly? That can be tough sometimes. There are so many people chasing their own dreams, it all starts to feel impossible. It's not! Keep your head held high and push through. It is the best possible way to achieve success. Still not feeling cool, calm, and confident? Here are a few tips to help you stay motivated….

Monday, January 1, 2018

you are never too old to set another goal.

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Since my last post, I have been eating too much, spending time with loved ones, and generally just getting wrapped up in all of the wonder and excitement this time of year is known for. It has been an incredible week or so....and I am just now starting to get back in the swing of things. A new year has now begun and we are starting 2018.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

versatile blogger award.

Sometimes? It feels nice to be appreciated. I started Mansa Fashion. six years ago and have written about an awful lot of topics since then. From makeup to fashion to music to lifestyle, travel, personal events, and so much more. Versatile is certainly a good word to describe my little corner of the Internet! Which is why I was so excited and grateful to be nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by P&P Style. (Thank you so much!) Her blog is amazing and is all about fashion - so be sure to check it out.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

what i got for christmas.

My favourite aspects of the holiday season? Loved ones, Christmas movies, music, and TV specials, freshly baked cookies, and the incredible decorations. All of it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Low down on the list? Presents. Don't get me wrong...presents are fun. But they don't make the holiday season magical. They are like an extra dollop of icing on an already perfectly iced cake.

For whatever reason, I was very very spoiled this year when it came to gifts. I think this is due to the fact that I am super easy to shop for. I like everything! Still, I am incredibly grateful to my family and friends for spoiling me rotten this Christmas. Without further are some of the items I was given this holiday.

What were you given this Christmas? 

xo Shannon

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

my experience at the national women's show

It was a great day. Exhausting, but definitely great. Very early in the morning, my best friend, her mom, and I all took the train downtown to attend the National Women's Show in Toronto. We were tired but excited for the events that awaited us. Though we arrived at the show early....we were still quite far back in line to get in. The reason? Early arrive-es are given a massive goodie bag full of samples and full-sized products. We were eager to get our hands on that goodie bag and we did! It was certainly worth the wait.

Inside, there were food products to try (everything from pasta to chocolate bars), along with skin care samples, hair products, lotions, and a dozen other odds and ends. It was a great way to start the day. Once inside, we were able to check out the many vendors - there were some dedicated to clothing, makeup, travel, lifestyle products, food, alcohol, and well, just about everything you can imagine - and pick up samples along the way. It seemed everyone was eager to give away lip balms, food samples, lotions, and reading materials. Before long....our bags were filled to the brim.

We were also able to do a bit of shopping. I picked up some unique Christmas gifts. Splurged on some sweets. Oh, and bought a bit of makeup. We were doing really well until we hit the Jordana Cosmetics booth. Before we knew what was happening, we were getting glitter lips applied by one of the girls working there. Honestly? We looked awesome. Which explains how my BFF and I ended up buying lipstick, glitter, and adhesive. (I also picked up a beautiful eyeshadow palette.) It was such a fun and exciting way to end our day at the Women's Show. 

Here is a peek at some of the items that came home with me (that didn't make their way into the kitchen or get stolen by my hubby)....

As for the glitter lips? I'll be re-creating them in a post next week, so stay tuned for that! The picture above shows the lipstick and glitter shade that I fell in love with....a gorgeous turquoise. Definitely a great colour to play around with.

Overall, the National Women's Show was a fun (but slightly exhausting) day full of friendship, shopping, and glitter. What could be better?

xo Shannon

Thursday, November 10, 2016

shock is a strange feeling. it knocks the wind out of you.

This is not my originally scheduled post. But there has been a heaviness in my heart for the last few days..and it seemed only right to acknowledge it. Deep down, I have always believed two basic things: that good wins over evil and that people are intrinsically decent. The events of Tuesday evening proved this is untrue. We are living in a world full of hatred and anger. People are consumed with self-interest rather than the good of all.

Honestly, I had a full day where I felt depressed, hurt, and betrayed. I even bought containers of ice cream to ease my sorrows. All the while, I kept thinking: how could this happen? 

With so much negativity in the world today, I wanted to share a quote with you that is helping me deal with this sense of loss and injustice. I hope it helps you too.

This is a time to come together....and keep fighting for what is right.


xo Shannon

Monday, September 19, 2016

summer should get a speeding ticket.

Fun fact? I like to divide my photo albums on Facebook into seasons. Fall, winter, spring, and summer. This started a few years back. Rather than make a new album for each and every event, like concerts, get togethers, and special events, it made sense to group things together. Some of my friends aren't keen on this. (It can be annoying to wade through 100+ photos to see the new ones.) But for me, it is a fantastic organizational system. At the end of each season, I like to look back on that folder. I can see it all right in front of me...including what I did this summer.

Though the summer flew by, my Facebook album proves that I did a lot. That includes a perfect day at Canada's Wonderland with my family, a Duran Duran concert with my dad, a David Cassidy concert, a couple of mini getaways to Niagara Falls, hang outs with my best friends, a trip to the zoo, and a day at the CNE. And those are only the moments that were photographed! Looking back? It was a pretty great summer. I feel lucky to have spent so much time with the people I love.

I created a mini to do list at the beginning of the summer. Now that it's over? I wanted to look back and track my progress. My list consisted of the following:

  • Finish book list (I have an extensive list of books on the go!) 
  • Workout on a regular basis
  • Make plans with people - and don't be afraid to text first
  • Do a friend's makeup as practice 
  • Focus on fun and self did I do? Let's start with the first entry on that list. Finish my book list. It probably goes without saying, but I did not finish my book list. (It is pretty huge.) That doesn't mean it was a failure! I've read more this summer than I have in ages. It is something I am actively making time for. I am focusing on finishing books that are half-started and reading things that enrich my spirit. 

Next up? Working out on a regular basis. This is something else I feel pretty good about. Sure, there were times when I fell off the wagon, so to speak. I got sick a couple of times this summer. That derailed by workout schedule a little bit. But I worked out four to six times per week....and that is pretty cool.

As for making plans with people? I have done a little bit better with this as well. Though it turns out there are not a ton of people I actually want to make plans with (ahh, the life of a slightly anti-social person). I have gotten much better at texting, however. I used to wait until someone else messaged me to reach out. Now, I am making the first move. Go me! 

I did not manage to do a friend's makeup as practice. This makes me a little sad - but it also means I can aim to check this off my list in fall. I guess I am a little afraid that I will do a horrible job. Just because I know how to do my own makeup doesn't mean I am a pro at doing someone else's! It's a little nerve wracking to say the least. Fingers crossed I get up the nerve to do it.

My last goal was to focus on fun and self. Honestly, it makes me really proud to say that I have. There have been nights where I ignored work and writing in favour of a face mask and a Netflix marathon. It has taken me a long time to get to that point! I needed to spend more time focusing on myself, appreciating small moments, and being happy. I am hoping this continues into the fall season and beyond.

Those were a few of my summer goals. What were your summer goals? Did you finish your to do list?

xo Shannon

Sunday, July 31, 2016

catching up: beauty resolutions for 2016

Do you remember that photo? It was posted on my blog at the beginning of the year. There were a number of specific beauty goals that I wanted to focus on for 2016. Like taking off my makeup before bed and making skin care a priority. Seeing as we are a little over halfway through the year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on my progress so far. How are these resolutions going? Have they been abandoned completely? Or am I making positive changes? Here are some beauty resolution updates....

  • Resolution: Use More Of What I Have (And Buy Less!) I knew right off the bat that this resolution was going to be a difficult one for me. There is something so intriguing about a new product. Trying new things is exciting....and it allows you to gain a better understanding of the current market. But there is something to be said for using what you have. For celebrating the items already in your collection instead of always reaching for new, new, new. This year? I have splurged on a fair amount of makeup. No doubt about that. But I have also reeled myself in more than ever. Before I buy anything, I always ask myself, Will I use it? Do I need it? Do I already have something similar? That is helping me buy less - and use more of what I have. 
  • Resolution: Take Off My Makeup Before Bed. Honestly? This one is so hard for me to do. Probably because I fall asleep watching TV half the time. This resolution is not a resounding success so far. Though I am certainly doing better. I would say I fall asleep in my makeup four days a opposed to seven. What do they say? Progress, not perfection! I am going to continue to work on this as the year goes on.
  • Resolution: Establish (And Maintain) A Proper Skin Care Routine. Success! This is one resolution that I never ever thought would work. I tend to be very lazy when it comes to important things like skin care. Not this year. I have actively been taking better care of my skin by using face masks, hydrating creams, eye serums, and all the rest. It has made a really noticeable difference. 
  • Resolution: Be More Adventurous With Colour....No More Comfort Zone! Another success. My go-to shades tend to be warm neutrals but this year I have been branching out. Not only have I been reaching for fun pops of colour - but I have been doing ultra colourful, bold, and out there makeup looks as well. Just for fun. There is nothing better than getting creative with makeup. So I have been trying to do that as often as I can. It feels really good.
  • Resolution: Wear False Lashes More Frequently. This is something I still feel like I am working on. I tend to wear false lashes in my YouTube videos but other than that? Very rarely. Most of the time this is because I run out of time while I am getting ready. That means gorgeous falsies are simply not possible. But that's okay! Something to work on in the second half of 2016.
Overall? I would say I am doing fairly well. Though there is certainly room for improvement! Looking at this list is a great reminder to stay focused on continue making positive changes.

How are your beauty resolutions coming?

xo Shannon

Monday, July 18, 2016

it's okay to look back at the past. just don't stare.

We used to be friends. Close friends. She made me feel like a better version of myself. See, university was an interesting time for me. I both struggled and thrived. Some experiences were certainly better than others. But during that time I began to discover my true self. I stepped out of my comfort zone in ways I never had before. Largely thanks to her. We met on my very first day. She spotted my Hanson t-shirt and we immediately struck up a friendship. For a long while...she was my only friend at school. We would hang out, listen to music, and discuss important topics like Disney movies and Oh No They Didn't. Eventually she moved back home. Back to Hong Kong.

After that? We spoke sporadically. We would email back and forth. But she would stop replying or send an apologetic response several weeks or months later. Then I would email again. She would reply. I would respond. Then it would stop again. This pattern went on for a couple of years. After a started to bother me. It hurt. So I wound up deleting her from Facebook and Twitter. I didn't block her or prevent her from sending me messages. I just could not stand the reminder that I had become a forgotten friend. That I was no longer important.

It has been several years now. But today, I started to think about her. I wondered what she was doing. If she was happy. If she even remembered me. I thought of all the experiences I had wanted to share with her over the years. Like my first writing job, meeting Hanson, and getting married. Removing her from my life was the right choice. I needed more than she could give. Yet I still wonder what things would be like if I had just left it alone. Would she have messaged me? Would she still care? I guess that is the hard part about growing up. Sometimes putting yourself first is tough.

I miss her. That is all I really wanted to say.

xo Shannon

Monday, July 4, 2016

in life you need to hold onto each other.

It has been a year. Yes, my husband and I tied the knot one year ago today. Honestly? That is one of the weirdest things I have ever written. It doesn't feel like it has been that long. I guess it is true what they say though. Time really does fly. The past twelve months have been full of ups and downs (ups: waking up next to each other, decorating our own Christmas tree, and going to Disney World. downs: unpacking all of my stuff into our apartment). But it has been amazing to have the man I love by my side through it all. I am so lucky. 

His support has meant so much to me. When I think about it...this past year has been one of adjustment. It was hard for me to move out of my family home. To see my parents only once or twice a week. To deal with the successes and letdowns that my unpredictable career path has handed me. It is thanks to him that I am still standing. He not only helped me get through that rocky adjustment period - but made sure I came out relatively unscathed. I am so grateful for that. It feels good to know there is always someone in my corner. 

Today is our first wedding anniversary. So I wanted to pause and commemorate this wonderful milestone. I can only hope that the second year is as wonderful as the first. As for our celebratory plans? We are keeping things pretty low-key. Dinner out and maybe a movie. Then some small thoughtful gifts. Nothing overly elaborate. Just a nice night out. That is all I want anyway. To be together, look back, and remember how truly blessed we are. 

To end this post? I leave you with some of the lyrics from our first dance song. They still make me smile. 

I'll be the wind in your sails, the magic of your days, 
A solid friend unfailing, I'll forgive with grace.
Whatever storm we need to face.

I'll give my whole heart 
With this ring as a token of undying affection. 
We've made it this far 
And with this ring I thee wed 
I will love you till the end of time. 
- With This Ring by Scott MacIntyre

xo Shannon
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