Showing posts with label trend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trend. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

spring fashion trends for 2024

Spring is officially here! Normally, I am the kind of person who holds tightly onto the last remaining days of winter, but this year, it feels like a change of season is in order. Yes, it is time for sunshine, flowers, and warmer temperatures. I am looking forward to walks with my husband and even some overdue cleaning tasks. (It just isn't spring without a bit of spring cleaning on the to do list.) Something else that piques my interest? Spring fashion trends for 2024. Here are a few favourites. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

theme week: 2000s (my favourite y2k trends)

It is time for another theme week here on Mansa Fashion. This time? It is all about the 2000s. Yes, it is time to focus on Y2K fashion, makeup, and pop culture. This is certainly a time that makes me nostalgic, though I confess that it is a bit odd to me that young people today are obsessed with the styles that were part of my teenage years. That being said, it is nice to find cute 00s inspired pieces whenever I am out and about. It was certainly a time of bold fashion....which is why the first themed post this week is dedicated to some of my favourite Y2K trends. See if any of your favourites are on the list. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

fall fashion trends (2023)

Fall is an exciting season for a lot of reasons. For starters, the cooler temperatures are always a relief after a hot and muggy summer. Then there is the fashion to consider. Once the fall season rolls around, I am usually a plaid button down and cozy sweater kind of person...but there are all sorts of exciting seasonal trends to enjoy as well. These can be bold and exciting or a little more practical. It all depends. Ready to check out some of the fall fashion trends for 2023? Here are a few favourites.

Saturday, November 27, 2022

i followed harpers bazaar fall 2022 beauty trends for a week

There are always new fashion and beauty trends. Every season, it seems that something new or reimagined comes to the forefront. Though I can appreciate a good trend (and partake every now and again)...I don't tend to base my choices on what is "in" at the moment. If I like something, great. If I don't like something, then I will pass. That being said, recently the Harpers Bazaar article, "The 7 Best Makeup Trends for Fall 2022" was passed along to me and I thought it might make for a fun challenge. Since there were seven makeup trends, it only made sense to try out one trend per day, and share the results here on Mansa Fashion. Though I tend to wear my makeup in the style that I like best (hello, winged liner and lots of eyeshadow) seemed like an interesting way to step out of my comfort zone a little bit. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2022

easy ways to rock the metallic fashion trend

Metallics are back and better than ever. Shimmery, shiny, metallic fabrics never really fade away...but they have a habit of popping up on trend lists every now and again. Summer 2022 is no exception. Marie Claire dubbed gilded garments as a must have for this season. It makes sense why fashionistas are keen to add a little extra something to their outfits. After more than a year in sweatpants and comfortable clothes, fashion lovers are ready to make a splash with style. What better way to stand out and strut yourself than with some intense metallic pieces? It is certainly a welcome shift from the laid-back pandemic-inspired looks. Not sure how to embrace the trend in a way that is wearable? Don't worry. Metallic is oh-so-simple to incorporate into your everyday outfits. Keep reading for some easy ways to rock the metallic fashion trend. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

fall 2019 fashion trends to watch out for

Fall fashion always excites. Though we aren't technically into the fall season yet (it officially begins in about seven days) this is the perfect time to start thinking about your seasonal wardrobe. Will you stick to what you already own? Or will you incorporate a few new fashion trends into your looks? You don't need to do a total closet overhaul to enjoy seasonal fashion trends. It may mean adding in one or two new pieces, reaching for older items, or changing the way you style your existing wardrobe. Whatever you choose to do...the best place to start is by learning what some of the latest fall fashion trends are for 2019. Last year at this time, there was a lot of dark denim, faux fur, and tweed. This year? Well, keep reading to find out.

Friday, April 26, 2019

trend alert: polly pocket fashion + beauty

Have you noticed? Nostalgia has taken over. Whether you are looking for a summer concert to add to your wish list or something style related....what was old is new again. Though there are many throwbacks that are back in vogue (from choker necklaces to denim overalls) the most intriguing to me personally is the Polly Pocket trend. When I was a kid, Polly Pocket play sets were my everything. I had dozens of them...including a necklace version that I took with me pretty much everywhere. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the brand, many Polly Pocket items have been released in the last several months. Here is a closer look at some of the hottest Polly-related products....

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

four reasons to wear suede.

Every now and then, a fashion trend takes over in a big way. This season? That trend is suede. The material was featured in collections from Chloe and Isabel Marant, to name just a few. It isn’t just designers that are obsessed with suede right now. Everyone from fashion bloggers, fast fashion stores and probably your next-door neighbour seem to have embraced the trend. You can too. If you are feeling a little hesitant or on the fence, don't worry. Here are four reasons to wear suede.

Monday, October 29, 2018

halloween costumes: to trend or not to trend?

It’s a serious question. One that is probably weighing heavy on your mind right this very minute…should you go trendy with your Halloween costume? Maybe in the past you regretted the Tan Mom ensemble you put together or wish that you hadn’t dressed up as VMA Miley Cyrus. Trendy costumes are without a doubt funny and they tend to go over well at Halloween parties. Unfortunately, looking back on those costumes doesn’t always fill your heart with joy. Before you put the finishing touches on your Halloween costume this year, it is time to take a closer look at trendy costumes: the pros and the cons. 

Monday, August 20, 2018

denim on denim: dos and don'ts

Denim never goes out of style. This enduring material has made it possible for a casual outfit to look totally fashion forward. From denim jeans to jackets, vests, shirts, shorts, and everything else you can imagine...denim is everywhere. So, it should come as no surprise that one of the hottest fashion trends right now is denim on denim. Wearing multiple denim pieces at once can give you a look that is bold and in your face. Unfortunately, it can also make you look like you fell into a pit of denim fabric. Want to rock the denim on denim trend? You can! With this handy list of dos and don’ts, you can make sure you’re always wearing it right.

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