Tuesday, July 31, 2018

review: l'oreal paradise enchanted scented eyeshadow palette

I love a good gimmick. Something fun, flashy, or unexpected is exciting...especially when it comes to makeup and beauty products. Despite the recent influx of scented items hitting the drugstore shelves lately (from Cover Girl's peach and chocolate scented palettes to Hard Candy's scented blushes), I couldn't resist giving the L'Oreal Paradise Enchanted set a try. It is fruit scented and features lots of easy to wear shades. And like I said: I love a gimmick. So how does the palette perform? Does it hold up well or is it a case of style over substance? It's time to find out. Here is a full review and a makeup look created using this brand spanking new eyeshadow palette.

Scent and Shade Selection

When it comes to scented products, they tend to be hit or miss. For every perfectly peachy fragrance there is an awful peach-chemical combo that makes your stomach turn! Thankfully, the L'Oreal palette scent is perfect. It is there and it is noticeable but it doesn't smell overwhelming and the scent doesn't linger throughout the day, either. It really is just the perfect amount of that apple sort of smell. If you have sensitive eyes or are prone to reactions, keep in mind that the fruit scent may cause a reaction. However, I have fairly sensitive skin myself and didn't experience any sort of irritation from the palette.  

The packaging is simple and standard - and sadly the shadows don't have actual names - but there is a nice little detail on the back. It includes directions on how to create four different makeup looks using the palette. Definitely a nice way to get inspired or for beginners to get started. As for the colours themselves, this palette is quite beautiful. It has a nice range of neutrals and warm shades, making it ideal for daytime. There are twelve eyeshadows in total, with colours ranging from white to beige, shimmery champagne, medium and deep brown, a soft red, and some bronze colours. 

Quality and Pigmentation

For the most part, these shadows are stellar. They are smooth, easy to work with, and have a nice amount of colour payoff. (Drugstore eyeshadow palettes have really changed in the last several years!) My only real issue is with that dark brown shade on the bottom row. It is the deepest colour in the palette and yet it doesn't have the intensity needed to create a more dramatic look. Without it, taking this palette from day to night is much more difficult. If I want to use this set for a daytime look, it works perfectly. If I am looking for something a little bolder for nighttime...not so much. All of the other shadows in this palette are stellar but that darker shade in particular was a disappointment. While I have been using this scented eyeshadow palette a lot and enjoying it, this lacks true versatility.

Makeup Look and Overall Thoughts

Overall, I quite like this eyeshadow palette. The shadows are really good quality, perform well (minus that one shade), and the scent is a wonderful bonus. I especially enjoy that soft red eyeshadow because of the buttery texture, subtle amount of shimmer, and the fact that the colour is just a little bit unexpected. This palette is solid with the only drawbacks being that one under-performing shadow and the price tag. This retailed at about $18 CDN, which puts it at the higher price range for a drugstore product. Is the price understandable? Absolutely, but I think a lot of people will be put off my the slightly higher cost. 

Have you tried this palette? Are you a fan of scented makeup?


  1. ;)

    Lindíssima essa paleta!

    Ótima terça!

    Beijo! ^^

  2. These shades are so pretty and I absolutely love scented make-up products!


    1. They really are pretty! And scented makeup can be a lot of fun :)

  3. Wow that looks so pigmented for a drugstore product, I never knew they were getting better! And such a fun bonus with the scent. Beautiful look!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. It actually really is! I've been using this a lot since I bought it and the palette is fabulous for everyday. Thank you :)

  4. Great post. This palette looks so nice and you looks so beautiful! :)
    Check my new post:

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! The palette really impressed me :)

  5. You look so lovely and nice makeup. Love the colour palette!
    xo Yvonne

    1. Aww thank you! The palette has a lot of beautiful shades, for sure.

  6. Aww thank you so much! I hope you are able to try this out for yourself!

  7. Amazing palette and you look fab!
    Kisses, Paola.

  8. The colour selection is soooo beautiful! And I like scented makeup so I have to try this palette ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. I agree! There are so many beautiful colours in here.

  9. Great shades and tints. You are so beautiful!

    The Flower Duet

  10. Great shades!!I have to try this palette


  11. I love the make up look you have created with the palette :)
    I think this palette has a great colour spectrum and the shades have a great quality for drugstore. I have so many similar shades in other palettes, that's why I think I will pass on this on.
    Have a great day!

    1. Thank you so much! That is definitely a good reason to pass on it. I am finding that I am passing on a lot of really nice looking eyeshadow palettes lately because there just aren't that many shades outside of what I already own...so I hear you on that!


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