Thursday, August 30, 2018

katy kat glam: lip gloss + body glitter review

One of my favourite artists has to be Katy Perry. I love her music, her unique style, and quirky personality. Something else I love? Her collaboration with Cover Girl. It was a couple of years ago that they released the Katy Kat Eye mascara (you can read a review of that here) and since then, it has been product after product. There have been eyeshadow sets, eyeliners, and more recently, Katy Kat Glam sets. These feature two items: a Katy Kat Gloss and a Body Glitter. Though there are different shades to choose from with these sets, the one I will be reviewing today is the gloss in Cantaloupe and glitter in Gold.

As you can see from the picture above, the gloss shade, Cantaloupe, is a shimmery nude. Though it looks beautiful in the was a bit of a letdown. There are several other Katy Kat glosses in my current makeup collection (you can see the red shade, Ninth Life, in this FOTD post) and each one is intensely pigmented. Unfortunately, this one is not. While every other colour has been rich, vibrant in colour, and smooth in texture, Cantaloupe does not deliver that same level of quality. It is a shimmery sheer gloss. Nothing more and nothing less. If you are looking for a basic lip gloss without a ton of colour payoff, this is wonderful. However, if you want something with pigmentation, choose a different Katy Kat Gloss shade.

Then there is the glitter to consider. I absolutely love the fact that the set includes a body glitter. It is versatile in the fact that it can be used on the eyes, face, lips, or the body. The glitter itself comes in a small plastic tube with a stopper on top. That detail makes it easier to get just the right amount of product out of the bottle, without making a mess. As for the glitter itself, it isn't super fine nor is it overly chunky. It falls somewhere in the middle. In my opinion, that makes this particular glitter best for use on the eyes rather than the lips. But for the purposes of this post, I decided to create a look that used the gloss on its own and a look with the glitter layered over top. Definitely let me know which finish you prefer!

Though the gloss itself is pretty on its own, it doesn't deliver enough colour payoff to be consistent within the line of Katy Kat Glosses. Meanwhile, the gold glitter is pretty and can be a wonderful addition to a makeup look but is just slightly too large to be worn effortlessly over top of the gloss included in the set. All in all, this set is just....okay. The products are decent in terms of quality but don't work incredibly well together. It was a very different experience than the previous Katy Kat Glam set I tried.

Looking for another makeup review? Check out my latest YouTube video. It is a full review (with swatches) of the Huda Beauty Desert Dusk eyeshadow palette.

What do you think of this look? Have you tried the Katy Kat Glam set?


  1. Cute look!

    New post:

  2. Thanks for sharing your review! :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

  3. It looks like an interesting product, would love to try! Great post!

    Vildana from Living Like V

    1. Aww that's great! Katy Perry and Cover Girl have a lot of really wonderful products.

  4. The product looks good unfortunately it's under expectation. Wish they could do better next time. Thank you for the review :)


    1. Yes, it was definitely a shame! Hopefully the next product will meet expectations!

  5. I really like the fact that it includes the glitter as well :D
    that way you can create very nice looks, the lips with the glitter look very nice ^^
    and i love that palette, nice review!!
    kisses :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. I like that as well. You can never go wrong with a little glitter!

  6. I've never seen this brand before. I like your make up. :-)

  7. Never try it before but I want to try the glitter, looks so interesting!

    1. Absolutely! There are so many fun ways to use glitter.

  8. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!

  9. Replies
    1. It is, for sure. You can't go wrong with a good nude.


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