Friday, October 19, 2018

3 looks 1 palette (featuring too faced then + now eyeshadow palette)

There are no limits to creativity. Especially when it comes to eyeshadow palettes! There are countless ways to mix and match colours to create head-turning look after head-turning look. Though some palettes are a little more limiting (due to poor variety or limited shade selection), the Too Faced Then & Now eyeshadow palette has plenty of options. From soft mattes to neutrals and colourful was a lot of fun playing around with the different shades inside. Which is what inspired today's blog post as part of Too Faced week here on Mansa Fashion. Since I have been using this palette an awful lot lately, I wanted to show some of the more recent looks I've created with it. Here are 3 looks featuring 1 high-end eyeshadow palette.

Look #1: Fall Inspired Purples

The first look pictured is actually one of my favourites. I paired "I Can't Even" with "Dirt Bag" to create the smokey warm effect going on around the crease. Then I added "Shady Bitch" (that amazing glittery purple) all over the lid. The combination of the darker warm tones with that vibrant purple was beautiful. And to really give this look a fall finish, I added one of my all-time favourite fall lip colours - "Squash" by Lime Crime. 

Look #2: Soft and Romantic 

This next makeup look is decidedly softer and more appropriate for daytime. It features "Gretchen" and "Rizzo" (a couple of soft browns), as well as "Zsa Zsa" (a soft pink) and "Ahh" (a pretty silver). That romantic pink was placed all over the lid with the soft browns adding definition to the crease. "Ahh" was placed directly in the inner corner to create a subtle pop. The lips were left neutral to add a more wearable finish to this makeup look.

Look #3: Pretty in Pink

Now this last look was created for a specific reason. Earlier this month, it was Mean Girls Day. Since it fell on a Wednesday, pink makeup was an absolute necessity. A few friends and I went out to see the movie in theaters and we absolutely dressed the part! For this makeup look, I paired "Zsa Zsa" and "Reality Star," those gorgeous pink shades in the palette. Then there was "Villain" (a purple colour) in the crease and a bit of "Ooh La La" in the inner corner. A pink lip gloss from Gerard Cosmetics finished it all off.

See? There are many different ways to use the Too Faced Then & Now eyeshadow palette. These examples are only the tip of the iceberg. If you have the palette in your own collection...share your favourite colour combinations in the comment section below. And be sure to let me know what you think of these three makeup looks!


  1. Nice palette dear. 😊

    1. It really is! I love how many ways it can be used :)

  2. These are all such fab looks, Shannon. If I have to pick a fave though, I really do love the Soft and Romantic one:) And that's so cool you guys went out to see Mean Girls on Mean Girls Day!!!! I love that much memorable lines:D
    Have an awesome weekend:)

    1. Oh thank you! I really liked that look as well. And yes! Mean Girls Day was so much fun. That movie is one of my all-time favourites :) :)

  3. Gostei dos 3 looks ❤👍 bjs 😙

  4. Nice post

  5. I love your makeup look. You look gorgeous!

  6. Hi! Wonderful looks. I love the shades.
    Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you very much! Yes, there are so many pretty shades inside this palette!

  7. Lovely looks, especially #2 the soft and romantic look :)

  8. Ładna paletka :D zapraszam

  9. you've created wonderful make up looks with this palette. The first one is my fav, because it looks so classical and elegant but I also liked the other two and how you played with colour.

    1. Wow, thank you very much! Your comment is so sweet. <3

  10. thanks to visit my blog. I love your fashion blog. Awesome!

  11. Nice looks! I am absolutely in love with second makeup look! So chic!

    1. Aww thank you! The palette has been a lot of fun to create with :)

  12. Replies
    1. There were so many beautiful ones to try out! Thanks for visiting!


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