Friday, August 7, 2020

beginner series: choosing an eyeshadow palette

Are you new to makeup? Then the word palette might be a little bit scary. Eyeshadow trios or quads may be more in your comfort zone. Take a deep breath. You can find the perfect palette for wherever you are in your makeup journey. It doesn't matter if you are brand spanking new, still learning, a total pro, or somewhere in between. Finding an eyeshadow palette that gives you everything you need simply requires additional thought and care. Here are some effective tools to help you choose a palette that suits your needs and current skill level.

Start By Considering Your Budget. When it comes to choosing an eyeshadow palette, budget should always be a consideration. There are wonderful options at both the drugstore and in high end stores like Sephora, MAC, and Ulta Beauty. Remember, just because your best friend or someone you watch on YouTube only purchases high end products doesn't mean you have to as well. In fact, it might be a good idea to stick to more affordable items at first. That way, you can learn more about what you like and don't like (in terms of colours, finishes, and pigmentation level) before you commit to something expensive. Most drugstore palettes cost less than $20 whereas the average price of a high end palette is $60-70. So, before you do anything else, consider what you feel comfortable spending.

Think About the Size of the Palette. Not all palettes are the same size or shape. Some are absolutely massive (like the James Charles palette or a standard Morphe eyeshadow palette) and others are super small and compact (like the Gigi Hadid eyeshadow palette). It is important to think about the size you actually want in your collection. How many colours will you actually use? If you'd prefer to start slow and use only one or two colours in each look...chances are you don't need a 32 pan eyeshadow palette to start with. Something with six to twelve shades instead. This will give you some variety without becoming totally overwhelming. Less is more sometimes!

Make Sure the Palette Has Variety. Whether you have chosen a larger, mid-size, or compact eyeshadow palette....variety is key. Ideally, you want to have at least one light shade, a medium sized shade, one darker shade, and an unexpected pop of colour. (Having more than that is totally okay but those four variations are essential.) Having that variety will allow you to create multiple looks using the same palette. It will take you from day to night with ease. You may also want to choose something that has a combination of shimmer and matte shades. That will provide even more versatility to your beginner makeup collection.

Read Reviews and Focus on Quality. It doesn't matter if you choose something ultra affordable or super expensive. Quality matters! Before you take the plunge, look up reviews on beauty blogs, on YouTube, and from reputable review websites. This will give you a better idea of the overall quality of the eyeshadows. When you're reading reviews? Look for comments about pigmentation and wear time. If there are reviews that talk about excessive fall out, creasing, or difficulty blending shades...that might be a makeup release you want to skip.

What eyeshadow palettes are in your collection? Share your beginner friendly suggestions in the comment section below!


  1. These are great as always, Shannon:) I soooo agree about budget being a consideration, and not buying anything super expensive esp if you don't know what you are doing yet. Honestly, when I started wearing makeup, I started off with a Cover Girl palette, and I used that thing until all the shades were gone! Right now, if I would suggest a palette, I would suggest a Revlon palette.

    1. Same! My makeup life started in the Cover Girl aisle. I found products I could experiment with (that weren't super expensive) and that made me feel good. If I had wandered into MAC or Sephora when I was first starting would have felt overwhelming and not at all fun. Great suggestion! Revlon has a lot of gorgeous and affordable palettes.

  2. Boa noite. Parabéns pelas dicas. Tenho certeza que todas gostarão.

  3. Hi dear! I prefer palette with a maximum of 10 pods because when there are many I don't use them much.

    1. That definitely makes sense. More than that and it can certainly be difficult to use them all.

  4. This palette has lots of colors
    Thank you so much for sharing with us.
    Happy weekend to you

    new post

    1. You are so welcome! I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  5. This is good advice! i'm not the best at applying eyeshadow so I've never had a palette, but I'll keep these pointers in mind if I decide to start wearing makeup more :) Thank you!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. For sure! Eyeshadow can be a really fun way to play with colour. I hope you have a fantastic weekend as well :)

  6. These are gorgeous! I haven't applied any eyeshadow since the lockdown because I am nowhere to go. Thanks for sharing this. I miss your blog!! :)

    Jewel Clicks

    1. I think a lot of people are in the same boat! I've been trying to apply makeup whenever I feel like doing something creative. Thank you very much <3

  7. Great tips. I'm slowly learning more about makeup this quarantine time...


    1. That is so exciting! What a fun way to spend this time. I hope you are enjoying it!

  8. Great guide! I currently only own neutral coloured eye pallets, I'm not bold enough to try bright colours yet!

    x Natalie
    Lucy and the Runaways - Blog and Instagram

    1. Neutral palettes are always good! I'm sure when you feel like trying out some more colourful shades, you'll find the perfect palette!

  9. Before buying I usually see reviews, but of any product.

    1. That is always helpful! It is good to know what the quality is like beforehand.

  10. I'm really glad about that too =) My water heater looks so new :D
    Oh yes this is a pretty cute blazer =) Thanks a lot.

    Really interesting post. I love eyeshadow palettes for so many years and I bought a lot :D

    1. Makes sense! Eyeshadow palettes can be a lot of fun :)

  11. Ah many great tips here about choosing a palette. It can be daunting but also fun!

    Leanne Thompson of

  12. Thank you so much for the tips! I am not really fond of palettes as I rarely wear eyeshadow anyway. But we need them in case of occasions that call for a dressed up look. Will follow your tips as I am in need of an eyeshadow palette. :)

    That Pink Lemonade Girl

    1. Well I hope the tips come in handy some time! Thank you for your comment!

  13. Interesting and useful tips. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day!

  14. This is so helpful, and I enjoyed reading it.

    1. Thank you very much! I really appreciate your comment.

  15. Lol I wouldn't know where to start!

    1. That's okay! Having fun is the most important thing!

  16. Very useful informations as always 💞


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