Monday, March 20, 2023

exciting spring fashion trends for 2023

My interest in fashion has certainly changed over the years. In the past, there was something inexplicably exciting about seasonal trends. Every few months, there was a new "it" colour and a new "cool" style that could be incorporated into my wardrobe. Though not all of the fashion trends matched my personal preferences, there were always at least one or two that stood out. Then the pandemic happened. Well, long story short, I now lovingly refer to myself as a human sweatpant. Working from home means fabulously comfortable clothes. Leaving the house less often means there are very few opportunities to get my fashion on. Even when the opportunity does arise these days, I find myself reaching for more comfortable and laid back options out of habit. What is a human sweatpant to do? Get inspired. It has been about three years since the start of the pandemic and only now am I looking for a healthy dose of fashion inspiration. There are lots and lots of spring trends for 2023. From styles to fabrics, accessories, and colours, there is a whole lot to choose from. These are a few of my favourites. 

Baggy Jeans and Denim-on-Denim Outfits. The standout fashion trend for the season has to be denim. According to Melissa Broxup, baggy jeans will be all the rage this season. This isn't exactly a surprise, since more relaxed styles have been slowly finding their way into stores. As a millennial, my skinny jeans are here to stay (I will continue to wear what I like, even if it is not cool or trendy)...but I also look forward to wearing fabulous oversized pants. That trend takes me back to the 00s. I remember wearing massively oversized jeans, where the backs of the pants were torn, frayed, and dirty from dragging behind me in the hallways. There is something thrilling about that nostalgic look. Another denim related trend for the season is denim-on-denim. This is another 90s/00s trend that makes me smile. As a huge fan of the girl group, B*witched, denim-on-denim is nothing new to me. I remember wearing lots of different denim combinations as a kid and have no problem bringing that back to my wardrobe.

All Things Acid Green. Some fashion outlets are calling acid green the hot colour for spring 2023. Others are calling it key lime. Whatever name you want to give this vibrant colour, there is no doubt about it: bright green is in. I have to say...I'm not mad about it. A lot of styles lately have been more muted in terms of the colour palette. Beige, green, and earth tones. It's nice to see things kicked up a notch with a bold, exciting, look-at-me kind of colour. Though there isn't anything in my closet in this particular colour, my eyes will be peeled the next time I am out and about. Who knows? I might find something special in just the right colour. In the meantime, this trend can be incorporated into my life with nail polish and eyeshadow. 

Sculptural Purses and Earrings. There is one word that sums up the spring themed accessories this season: sculptural. Both sculptural purses and earrings are about to become musts. For purses, look for a unique shape that adds interest to a look. Something bold, structured, and unexpected. That purse can have a pattern or be a solid colour. Though I haven't found the right purse is something that I am open to. Another way to make the most of the sculptural craze? Accessories. Bracelets and earrings are also part of the spring fashion trend. Statement pieces with sculptural elements are definitely in.

Though my wardrobe is not exactly on the cutting edge of fashion, it works. With a few trendy additions, it might be possible to breathe new life into some existing items as well...or at least break free from my human sweatpant label. 

How has your style changed in the last few years? What do you think of these spring fashion trends?


  1. In love with baggy jeans and sculptural accessories! Can't wait to show them off!
    Acid green is a cool trend as well but unluckily looks awful on me...

    1. Agree! I'm definitely loving the idea of the baggy jeans.

  2. Zakochałam się w zielonym kolorze.

  3. Amazing :)
    I invite you also to my channel :)

  4. Dressing up is one of the loves of my life, so I can't really imagine being a human sweatpant. Although, admittedly, I am wearing sweatpants while I'm typing this :-)
    I don't really follow trends, but I'm please to see green (I prefer key lime) is on trend - which means more green in the thrift shops later on - and I am swooning over that sculptural purse in the final photo! xxx

    1. I admire that about you. It's amazing that you put so much thought into your outfits! Right? I just love that sculptural purse.

  5. The denim trend is always my best.

  6. The acid green haute couture featured in that third row of outfits on the fashion runways in the photos above look quite eye-catching! I was just thinking that they might look pretty styled with pink accessories.

    1. Right?! I love it! So fun! I totally agree with you that some pink accessories would be perfect.


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