Sunday, July 16, 2023

does it work?? la colors color craze gel nail polish

I have a weakness for all things neon. Especially when the summer months roll around. There is something so fun, so exciting, so bright about neon colours. If you ask me, neon has a way of making the world seem a little happier and more hopeful, which is always a good thing. Of course, when I saw the LA Colors Color Craze Gel Nail Polish on the shelves, it was impossible to resist. Not only was it affordable ($3.50) but it was also a vibrant and playful neon green. It was a simple decision to add it to my cart. So...does it work?? Here is everything you need to know about this ultra vibrant nail polish from LA Colors. 

According to the brand, the LA Colors Color Craze Gel Nail Polish "wears like a polish, shines like a gel. Get amazing salon quality results without the hassle of a UV lamp." The idea of a gel-like nail polish that didn't require a UV lamp was super intriguing. I actually used to get gel nails done years and years ago and loved them. It was amazing how long the polish lasted and how glossy the nails appeared. Honestly, the reason I stopped getting them done was not necessarily because of the cost. Appointments make me super anxious. Things like getting my hair done or my nails done stresses me out so much. All of the small talk and everything is super tough for me. So, I stopped getting my nails done and started doing them at home. I liked the idea that this LA Colors nail polish could mimic the appearance of the gel nail polish look that I used to be so familiar with.  

But...does it work?? In short, no. This nail polish was a bit of a letdown. Though the shade name was "Lucky," the polish was anything but that. Let's start with the pros: the colour is beautiful, fun, and so fabulously neon. Unfortunately, that is where the pros end. As for the cons, there were many. It took four coats of nail polish to reach full coverage, even after letting my nails dry for six hours the polish still smudged, the nail polish chipped absolutely everywhere in the days to come (I am still finding little pieces of neon green scattered around my apartment), and it left my nails in really poor condition. Though I adore the colour, this is not a nail polish that I will be reaching for again, and I will not be buying another LA Colors nail polish in the future. Though the price was right, the formula was not. This Color Craze Gel Nail Polish simply did not perform well. 

Have you tried any of the LA Colors Color Craze Gel Nail Polishes? What do you think of this colour?


  1. So cool colour, thanks for your sharing...

  2. Wow, was für eine tolle Farbe, die passt super zum Sommer. LG Romy

  3. It's such a shame that the formula was so bad, as it is a really fun bright colour! Hopefully you have better luck next time you try a neon :)

    1. Right? Definitely a letdown in terms of the formula, but the colour was fun!

  4. I'm sorry to hear that polish didn't do what it promised to do.
    Oh, and I thought I was the only one feeling anxious about hairdresser's appointments and the like ... xxx

    1. I'm relieved you understand what I mean! I find it all so stressful!

  5. Thank you, this is really annoying =( It's not good when delieverers just putting packages into unsure places. I hope to get my new Echo Dot 5 tomorrow without any problems <3 :D
    Oh yes I love this merch =) And the shorts is pretty cute.

    Nice review =) The colour of this nail polish is super beautiful and perfect for summer. But it sounds really bad for the application.

    1. Yes, it's a shame the formula was so bad, because the colour was great!

  6. It's a pity for all those flaws, at start, as I saw the color, I liked it a lot....
    Anyway I HATE to go to the hairdresser (but I have to regularly since my hair is curly and needs a lot of care T_T)

    1. Yes, it's a great colour! Oh thank goodness it's not just me. I hate going so much!

  7. so sorry it didn't work for you. I tried one of different color and an actually pretty happy with the result. I dislike doing my nails out as well.


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