Thursday, October 12, 2023

does it work?? billion dollar beauty liquid eyeliner

Travel can be fun...but it can also be stressful. Especially when it comes to packing. Full confession: I am terrible at it. My husband normally asks me whether I remembered to pack certain items, like makeup wipes or toothpaste or contact solution. Despite his best efforts to assist me, I am always forgetting something essential. Recently, my husband and I went on a little weekend getaway, and I managed to forget eyeliner. Eyeliner! My must have beauty item! It was a disaster, so we had to find a suitable (and affordable) temporary option. I found a two-pack of the Billion Dollar Beauty Liquid Eyeliner. So...does it work??

Eyeliner is my ultimate beauty item. I simply do not feel like my makeup look is complete without at least a little liner. Though I love makeup looks on others with or without is something that I do not like to be without. Hence the quest to find an eyeliner that would work temporarily. Ultimately, it was the Billion Dollar Beauty Liquid Eyeliner. There was a two-pack available for $9.99 CDN, which was clearly an excellent price, considering one of the liners costs $31 USD on their website. 

According to the brand, these liners do not skip, have a matte formula, and are long lasting. The liner is also waterproof and has a "flexible brush tip for easy application." There are some pros and cons when it comes to this liquid eyeliner. What I like? The pen design and brush tip make application really easy. The brush tip applicator offers some flexibility, but there is enough structure to ensure that application is simple and effective. The colour goes on well and it has a matte finish. What I don't like? The longevity. Though the brand claims state that this is long lasting...after about six hours or so, the liner starts to fade, especially on the winged portion of my winged liner. That means I am only able to wear this liquid eyeliner confidently for shorter periods of time. For instance, out running errands, to dinner, or around my house. It worked in a pinch and was ultra affordable for two liquid eyeliner pens, but this requires touch ups for longer periods of wear. Or at least it did for me. 

So...does it work?? Yes and no. The Billion Dollar Beauty Liquid Eyeliner has a nice matte black colour and makes application quick and easy. I love the pen design and the brush tip applicator. However, the eyeliner seems to fade throughout the day, so it isn't something that I can rely on for longer periods of time. Though this worked okay-ish and I will certainly make the most of these liquid eyeliners from Billion Dollar Beauty, the NYX Epic Ink Liner continues to be my personal favourite. 

Have you tried anything from Billion Dollar Beauty before? What eyeliner is your must have?


  1. I've never heard of this brand before, Shannon! That's too bad the eyeliner itself is not long lasting but I do like that it's easy to apply:) Thanks for the honest review as always!
    Hope you're having a lovely Thursday so far:)

    1. You are so welcome! It worked in a pinch, at least!

  2. New brand for me; thanks for your sharing

  3. Oh dear, I feel you! I am a forgetfull person too even if I pack the lugage and I am pretty organized, once I forgot at home my entire beauty case and we went in mountains. I also rely on eyeliner for my makeup but in those villages all I could find was a mediocre quality mascara and some black eye pencil. So I really understand you on this and I also get your disappointment for the quality of the product. If that is the quality for the $30 item too... then is a low price/quality range...

    1. Oh no! That must have been so stressful! I'm sorry that you can relate to this issue. It is so hard to remember everything in these scenarios.

  4. I feel you, traveling is fun but also stressful. I created a packing list a few years ago and I list everything I need and I use this list every time. Ah yes 6 hours is not long enough for sure.

    Leanne Thompson of

  5. Since I'm very bad on putting on the eyeliner, the fact that this is quick and easy to apply is more than enough to make me want to buy it!
    At worst I could re-appli it during the day!
    About travelling; I'm literally that kind of person who brings with her half house, so usually I have with me even more than I need! But I should try with a packing list, sounds much more reasonable than "bring everything with you"!

    1. That is a very good point! Haha, I am with you on that. I always bring lots of what I don't need (just to make sure I have it) and not enough of what I do need (because I manage to forget it). Packing is tough!

  6. I'm generally quite good at packing - except for deciding which clothes to take :-) Iv'e got a list of travel essentials on my pc, which I print off whenever we've got a trip planned, ticking off items as I go. That doesn't mean I never forget things, though, and if I do it's usually a make-up item. I'm glad you found a cheap alternative eyeliner, even if the longevity wasn't what it was supposed to be! xxx

    1. That is always difficult. It's hard to know what you will feel like wearing on any given day! Very smart to have a list ready to make the process easier!


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