Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Monday, March 6, 2023

rank and review: richard simmons blast off series

Working from home has a lot of perks. The biggest advantage? Sweatpants. I live in sweats most of the time these days. Though fashion is always fun...I love being comfortable while I write, type, and create. The biggest drawback of working from home? Needing to fit a workout into my schedule. I need to be a lot more intentional when it comes to exercise these days. A lot of times, the Ring Fit Adventure Game from Nintendo Switch is my chosen activity. Other times? It is a good old fashioned workout video. If you've been reading my blog or watching my YouTube channel for a while, it is no surprise that workout videos remain a must for me. I love being able to workout in the privacy of my home. Oh, and I especially love aerobics classes from fitness icons like Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons. Speaking of the is time for another rank and review post here on Mansa Fashion. This time, the focus is on the Richard Simmons Blast Off series of videos. 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

current workout favourite: nintendo ring fit adventure

I am not exactly a gamer. Sure, I like to play old-school Nintendo games, arcade style games, and some favourites on the Wii every now and then...but I am rarely seeking out new games to play. To be honest, I don't have a whole lot of free time. When I do have free time, it is often spent writing or reading. Games are not the highest priority on my list. However, fitness is something that I am focused on more than usual these days. In a recent post, I mentioned that I am trying to lose the pandemic pounds that I managed to put on. This something that I have been doing in a few ways: workout DVDs, going for walks, using a food tracking app, and even playing a Nintendo game. The latter was not something that I anticipated. My husband had heard about the Ring Fit Adventure game and decided to purchase it for us. It is a Nintendo Switch game that comes with a Ring Con and Leg Strap. Essentially, you workout with the adventure style game. I wasn't sure that this was something that I would do...but I have been playing it fairly regularly for the last several months. It has definitely made a difference! Want to hear more about this interactive game? Find out whether it has helped me stay motivated? It is time to highlight my current workout favourite: the Nintendo Switch Ring Fit Adventure game. 

Friday, June 17, 2022

new in: richard simmons merchandise

My life certainly changed during the pandemic. I went from walking to work each day to working from home. Oh, and I also stress-ate everything in sight for far too many months in 2020. Despite working out regularly, it wasn't offsetting all of the snacking. Before I knew it, my weight had skyrocketed. Clearly, I needed to find some balance and be a little (or a lot) more mindful about my habits. For the last year or so, I have slowly but surely been dropping all of those extra pandemic pounds. There are many things that have helped me during this process, including Richard Simmons. His YouTube channel started posting clips of old workout videos and that inspired me to purchase the Sweatin' To the Oldies series on DVD. From there, I started adding various workout videos, books, and other Richard Simmons merchandise into my life. More recently? I decided to treat myself to a few items from his online store. Though this blog is largely about makeup, fashion, and is all about Richard Simmons. Check out some of the merchandise that I have been enjoying lately. 

Saturday, March 6, 2022

workout favourites (february 2020)

March is a new month with endless possibilities. But it is always nice to take a look back at the month that passed and note favourites and standout items. In February 2020, there were lots and lots of workout and fitness related favourites. Why? In the middle of January, my back was having some issues. (This has been a problem on and off over the years but it is no less frustrating when it happens.) That meant my workout routine was put on pause. It was difficult to want to workout and not be able to. But a heating pad, rest, and lots of stretching was exactly what the doctor ordered. Thankfully, I was able to get back in the swing of things come February. Ready to check out these workout favourites? Here goes....

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

rank + review: richard simmons sweatin' to the oldies workouts

Workout videos? Well, needless to say they are an integral part of my day-to-day life. Though there are days when a gym session is in order...most of the time it is just me and my television. There is such comfort in working out at home. (Though I realize not everyone feels this way!) Personally, I love it because I don't have to travel anywhere and I don't have to feel intimidated by all of the fitness buffs hanging out at the squat racks. Do you love working out at home? Or did you get more comfortable with the idea during quarantine? Then workout videos are certainly something to consider. There are an awful lot of videos out there, which means it is always possible to find something that is effective and fun. More recently, I fell in love with Richard Simmons videos. His YouTube account started uploading ten minute workout segments. That led me down the rabbit hole. A few days later, my husband ordered me the 30th Anniversary Edition of Sweatin' To The Oldies. No wonder my life lately has involved an awful lot of classic songs, sparkly tank tops, and motivation. The DVD set included all five videos in the Sweatin' To The Oldies collection so there was lots of variety. Ready to see how they perform? Find out which videos are the most effective? Here are all of the workout videos, reviewed and ranked.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

workout and sweat proof hairstyles to try

How are you enjoying the sunshine so far? The weather this season has been more good than bad. So take advantage of the beautiful scenery, the blue skies, and the picturesque skylines. It is time to get out there and work up a sweat! Worried about the logistics? You are not alone. When it comes to hair, it can be difficult to keep it tied back and tamed during a workout. There is nothing more frustrating than pieces of hair awkwardly sticking to your face or being temporarily blinded by your long locks during a 60 second plank. Never fear! These workout – and sweat – proof hairstyles will make sure your next outdoor adventure is a success from start to finish.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

indoor workouts (fitness tips + my current routine)

Before there were orders to stay indoors, to social distance, and to schedule largely consisted of work and the gym. Things have certainly changed. There is a part of me that misses working out at the gym. Though truthfully, I have always been a home workout kind of gal. I am extremely familiar with the work of Jane Fonda, Jena Hughenian Michaels, Bob Harper, GymRa, Fitness Blender, and a number of other exercise enthusiasts. (For some DVD suggestions be sure to check out my top five favourite workouts.) So while there is a part of me missing my gym time, this has also given me the chance to re-commit myself to at home fitness. This might be a bit of an adjustment for some. However, it is also a wonderful opportunity to make the most of the space you have. Here are a few indoor workout tips as well as some information about my current fitness routine.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

tips to eat healthier this winter

Brr! It sure is cold out there. The worst part? It seems to be getting colder by the minute. The winds have picked up and we have had more than a handful of snowfalls. Yes, we are smack dab in the middle of winter. Which is why so many of us tend to stay indoors. Free time is often spent watching endless Netflix marathons rather than heading outdoors to deal with the elements. During those streaming marathons? There may be some unhealthy comfort foods sitting nearby. (It’s okay. This happens to the best of us. Especially during the winter months.) If all of the binge-watching and binge-eating is making you feel kind of blah, don't worry. All you need to do is mix things up. Here are a few different ways to eat healthier this winter.

Friday, January 3, 2020

fashionable winter workout wear.

I always find it easier to work out in the winter. Sure, bikini season is long over….but the temperatures outside are perfect for a good run. Plus, most of us spend an awful lot more time indoors during the chillier months. That means crunches, squats, and weight lifting. Sure, outdoor activities are easier to do during those perfect summer days, but there is plenty to do both inside and outside in wintertime, too. It just means tweaking your workout routine.

Since I tend to workout more regularly in the wintertime, I thought it was time to talk workout wear. When the weather is nice, I tend to stick with a pair of shorts and a breathable tank top. This time of year? It’s a little bit different. Rather than choosing whatever won’t get in the way, it is important to think about warmth. Especially if you plan to go for a jog or do some power walking outside. It’s essential to find a balance between staying warm and not sweating to death. Thankfully, there are an awful lot of great workout clothes that can help. These are some of my favourites…..

Monday, August 19, 2019

drink yourself healthy with green smoothies

Lately, my mornings are all smoothies all the time. In the last several months, I've been working out hard and have made serious changes to my diet. One of the main changes has been swapping out my morning bagel (I literally would eat a bagel with cheese for breakfast every single morning) for a smoothie. It has made a huge difference! I have more energy, sleep better at night, and I've lost weight. So today I wanted to break from my usual makeup and fashion related posts for something a little bit different: a post on green smoothies.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

reach your step count goal (simple ways to walk more)

There is no doubt about it. Walking is good for your health. It has been found to lower your risk of heart disease, prevent dementia, give you energy, and even help you lose weight. The reality? Many of us do not walk enough. We drive to the grocery store, take the elevator, and sit for long periods of time. This can make that 10, 000 daily step goal seem impossible to achieve. It doesn’t have to be. These simple tips will help add walking into your daily routine.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

simple ways to stay active in winter

Yikes! It sure got cold fast. Isn’t that always the way? One minute we are certain that this will be a mild winter with barely any snow. The next? The front lawn is white and you are desperately searching for that extra pair of gloves. This time of year is associated with many wonderful things. Like making time for friends, family, and treating yourself to warm foods. Missing from that list is physical activity. It is believed that most people give up on their New Years Resolutions by January 12th. Well, that day has come and gone, which means many of us have forgotten about strict diet plans, have skipped sweat sessions at the gym, and are staying indoors as much as possible. That doesn't have to happen to you! Here are some super simple ways to stay active in winter.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

look good while working out

I’ll be honest. Today, I experienced a serious moment of jealousy. The kind of jealousy I have not felt since my elementary school days – when my nemesis showed up wearing a pair of Spice Girls-esque platform sneakers. What caused this moment of pure unbridled envy? Khloe Kardashian’s fitness closet.. Yes, her fitness closet. Everywhere you looked, there were workout tops, track pants, and cute exercise accessories. Not to mention every essential and then some! Me? I am lucky if I am able to cram my workout clothes into one lone drawer. What a difference the A-list makes. 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

feeling stressed? work out!

Sometimes life rushes past you. There is so much going on in the day-to-day that it often seems impossible to give yourself that much needed you time. Without it, you can start to feel frazzled, overwhelmed, and downright grumpy. Trust me – this is something I have experienced firsthand. Whenever I let work and responsibilities rule my life, it isn’t long before I feel totally and completely confined by it all. Which is why exercise has become a major part of my routine.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

workout equipment essentials for your home.

You don’t need an expensive gym membership to get in shape. In fact, you can do it from your very own living room. Just pop in a workout DVD or create your own routine. There are plenty of options to suit your budget and specific interests. Since returning home from my has been a struggle to get back to doing my daily workout - but having everything I need on hand makes it a whole lot easier to stay motivated. If you want to work out at home, these equipment essentials will make your life a whole lot easier.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

it always seems impossible until it's done.

I am someone who sets goals. Constantly. My life is full of an endless array of to do lists and planners....each one full of dreams, goals, and desires. Certain things are accomplished on a regular basis. Like, writing articles, putting up blog posts, filming videos, and other everyday occurrences. Those are all jotted down on my daily to do list. But then there is a larger to do list. One that I have handy - and add to frequently. This summer, I came up with quite a few goals. One of them? Run 5K. Originally I wanted to sign up for an official 5K run but decided that my goal didn't require a lanyard, t-shirt, and number. I simply wanted to do it. Just to prove that I could.

This summer, I ran here and there. I ran home from work some days. I would run around the neighbourhood until my legs throbbed and my heart beat wildly. No matter how often I ran...that 5K seemed totally out of reach. Normally? I'd reach 2.5K or 3K on a good day. It was good. Just not what I hoped to accomplish.

Now that summer has ended and we are well and truly into the fall season....I thought my dream of 5K had passed me by. For this year at least. Then, on Friday, we had an unseasonably warm day. Temperatures soared. The sun shone brightly. So, on a whim, I decided to go for one last run of the season. (I listened to Christmas music while I ran and watched people hanging up their holiday lights. Very weird experience!) That turned out to be my 5K run.

I was about 2K in. I was definitely rusty. My legs hurt, my stomach cramped, and my water bottle seemed to weigh a hundred pounds. Then it popped into my head. This is your last chance to accomplish that summer goal. I ran faster and harder than ever. I pushed, pushed, pushed. Once I hit the 3.5K mark....I knew this was going to happen. The idea of making my 5K dream a reality kept me moving even when I wanted to stop. Once I was done? I was floating on air. The sense of pride and accomplishment was overwhelming. It was truly a blissful moment.

Today, I wanted to make a little blog post to commemorate that moment. And to remind myself that it is always possible to achieve my goals.

xo Shannon

Sunday, August 14, 2016

my top five favourite exercise dvds

I am the queen of exercise DVDs. Don't believe me? I have a shelf of workout videos to prove it. Low intensity, high intensity, yoga, cardio, and everything in between. If you can imagine it? There is a video for it on my shelf. My foray into fitness began about five yeas ago. I found a video called, "Target Toning For Beginners" by Cindy Whitmarsh. Her positive attitude made me feel like I could do anything. That working out was important.

After that? I found more of her videos. Then I branched out a little, trying anything and everything I could get my hands on. See, I tend to get bored. So I like a lot of variety with my workout. It keeps things interesting and pushes me in new ways. Which is why in addition to the shelf full of workout DVDs I own....I also peruse YouTube rather frequently.

It was after throwing out my back that I found Jane Fonda. Sure, her videos are legendary, but I never thought to try them out. I didn't figure that I was an aerobics kind of person. How wrong I was. I found a video of hers that offered a light aerobic workout with lots of stretching - exactly what I needed for my recovering back. Somehow, I discovered a new passion. I genuinely love to do aerobics. (Even though I can never quite nail the moves.) I actually get excited to come home from work and pop in a Jane Fonda DVD. Exercise suddenly went from something I did to something I wanted to do. It was quite the revelation.

That feeling is what inspired this post. Seeing as I have tried an awful lot of workout DVDs....I bring you the very best. Here are my top five favourites.

  • Jane Fonda's Prime Time Workout. Let's start with a good one. The best one, in my opinion. Jane Fonda's Prime Time Workout (which you can watch on YouTube) has a little bit of everything. There are toning exercises, a ballet themed section, aerobics, floor work, and a full body stretch. It gives you a complete body workout - and it's fun! This workout always makes me feel good. 
  • Jena Hughenian Michaels Kickbox Fast Fix. Another one of my fitness gurus is Jena Hughenian Michaels. I am such a huge fan of hers. While I own just about every DVD she has released...this is one of my favourites. The kickbox moves are easy to follow but ultra effective. She blends cardio with strength and toning in this video. Plus there are three different workouts that target different parts of the body. That gives you noticeable results in no time. 
  • Jena Hughenian Michaels 30 Day Shred. There are many reasons to workout. Sometimes? I work out to get active and feel good. Other times? I am more focused on getting fit and dropping excess weight. If the latter is true...I always reach for the 30 Day Shred. This 30 day program from Jena Hughenian Michaels delivers. By the end of the month? Your body will be ultra toned. Be warned: this workout program is not easy. But it definitely works! 
  • Jane Fonda's Lean Routine. When I have the apartment to myself? There is one workout I absolutely have to do. It is the Lean Routine by Jane Fonda. This is 80s style aerobics at its best. It is over an hour of intense aerobic workout. Here's the thing. The outfits are wild, the dance moves are dated....and you will have an absolute blast. By the time the hour has passed? You will be dripping with sweat. It is challenging but fun to do. (And you can check it out on YouTube!) Something else I really love? At the end of the workout there is a full section on healthy eating. 
  • Jane Fonda's Light Aerobics and Stress Reduction Program. This is the one that started it all. The workout that helped me recover and strengthen my back. This video has some fun aerobics (complete with super stylish 80s outfits) as well as tons of stretching. This is amazing if you are feeling sore or are dealing with an injury. After the hard work has been done? It is time for the stress reduction part of the program. This is super effective. Sometimes, I watch it at the end of a long day. By the time the video ends? I feel relaxed, at peace, and ready for a good nights sleep. Give it a try

Honourable Mentions: Skinny Bitch Bootcamp, Bob Harper's Inside Out Method (note: this workout is brutal. It is the perfect way to kick your workout routine up a notch), Pussycat Dolls Workout, Tracy Anderson's The Method, and Jena Hughenian Michaels Body Shred Program.

Fitness has become an integral part of my life. Though I certainly don't look like a personal trainer....exercise has brought me unexpected fulfillment. What an amazing gift.

What is your favourite workout DVD?

xo Shannon

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

reward ideas for when you reach your fitness goals.

It has been forty five days. Forty five days since it all began. A while back, I decided that I needed to be more consistent with my workouts. The best way for me to do that? Journal. Everyday, I write down three things. Some brief thoughts on the day, the workout I did, and my mood. There is something about writing it down that makes me more committed to working out. Maybe I just like being accountable to something. Even if it is a notebook. Despite the fact that I have been working out five to six days a week for the last forty five days....I haven't made any real goals. Solid plans. Until now.

Actually, I was inspired by a friend of mine. She decided to set up a reward system for herself. She would receive one reward whenever she hit a fitness goal. Genius or what? Because of that friend.... I have started to think about what I want to achieve and how I will get there. That sparked the following post. So, without further ado! Here are some of my favourite reward ideas for when you reach your fitness goals.

  • Pamper Yourself With An At-Home Spa Day. You did it! Despite a full schedule, you managed to workout four times this week. What better way to congratulate yourself than with an at-home spa day? Bring out the face masks, the nail polish, and the scented candles. After deserve it.
  •  Have a Netflix Marathon Of Your Favourite Show. Sometimes? It feels good to do nothing. To just sit, relax, and watch TV. Once you reach a fitness goal? (Like reducing your junk food intake for two straight weeks) Treat yourself to a Netflix marathon. Put on your favourite TV show and unwind in style.
  • Shop For Some New Workout Clothes. A new outfit can totally change your mood. In the best possible way! Whenever my workout clothes are cute? I put more into each and every exercise. So consider splurging on some new workout clothes. They don't have to be expensive....just colouful and full of personality.
  • Download a Health And Fitness App. You are on your way to reaching bigger and better fitness goals. Be sure to keep that motivation going. Download a health and fitness app onto your phone or tablet. It could give you daily workouts, positive mantras, or healthy recipe ideas. The choice is yours. 
  • Change Up Your Hairstyle. There is a brand new you emerging. Someone who is happier and more confident than ever. Why not celebrate with a new hairstyle? You can do something drastic (like chop off some length or alter your hair colour) or keep it simple (a trim and a new style). The idea is to do something that makes you feel your absolute best.
Another reward idea? New makeup. This is the perfect motivator for a beauty fanatic. Not sure what to treat yourself with? There is always the new Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Blush Palette. Or if budget is a concern, you can pick up the Demi Lovato Lovatics palette from NYC. The latter is a fantastic bargain - and the quality is outstanding. For a full review and to check out some swatches, take a look at the latest video on Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel.

What do you think of these reward ideas? Share your own in the comment section below!

xo Shannon

Monday, June 27, 2016

look gorgeous and glam while working out.

There is a big difference between working out at home and working out....well anywhere else. On the days that I pop in a workout DVD (Jena Hughenian Michaels nine times out of ten)? My look is as follows. Hair in a messy ponytail, whatever makeup is left over on my face from work, and some sort of tank top that has been haphazardly pulled from my drawer of workout clothes. On the days when I am running home or leaving the house to exercise? It is a totally different ball game. Suddenly that flaking mascara and baggy tank top are a no-go. For the simple fact that I am going to be seen by countless neighbours and passerbys. 

Not sure how to get ready for your workout? Want to infuse your look with a subtle touch of gorgeous and glam? Keep reading. These are some of my tips for looking good while working out. 

Keep Makeup Minimal But Long Lasting. It isn't a secret. I love makeup a lot. In fact, it is an extremely rare occurrence when I leave the house without it. That being said? When you are working out it is best to keep makeup to a minimum. There is a good reason for this. Wearing foundation and concealer can clog your pores when you start to sweat. That can lead to breakouts and blemishes. (I learned this lesson the hard way!) Skip the face makeup and focus on your eyes and brows instead. Well defined brows help frame your face - and the product is unlikely to move when you sweat. Fill in your eyebrows with a nice brow powder and set with a clear brow gel. As for the eyes? A soft neutral shadow on the eyes (like a nice matte brown or purple) is all you need. Skip the eyeliner and layer on a coat or two of waterproof mascara. This will give you the definition you crave without looking too heavy or overdone.

Choose Workout Clothes That Reflect Your Personality. You deserve to feel good. Confident. Beautiful. That makes the clothes you choose especially important. Even when you workout! The key to feeling good (and looking good) is to choose workout clothes that reflect your personality. Do you love colour? Then pair a neon pink tank top with printed leggings. Like to feel chic and stylish? Opt for black and white leggings with a matching sports bra. You get the picture. There are so many options when it comes to workout fashion. Here is the thing: by wearing clothes that make you feel your are more likely to push harder during your workout. Plus you will exude confidence wherever your workout takes you.

Add On Some Oh-So-Glamorous Extras. It's true what they say. Beauty really is in the details. The right accessories and add ons can transform your workout look. Not to mention take your confidence to a whole new level! Not sure where to begin? These are a few of my favourite extras:
  • Spritz on your favourite body spray (anything from Leyland and Bodyworks is great) before you head out. It will make you feel better than ever.
  • Add on a little lip gloss before you head to the gym. That extra shine will make you shine! 
  • Put on a pair of small stud earrings. Hoops and dangling earrings can be dangerous to workout in, but a simple pair of studs is safe to wear. And it will give you plenty of enviable workout style. 
  • Choose your footwear wisely. There are so many great options out there these days. Get playful with colour and print. Or just swap out your regular laces for something bright and bold. 
Working out doesn't mean leaving behind your love of fashion, makeup, and beauty. It just impacts your choices. Use these tips and tricks to create your own confidence boosting workout look. You will look amazing - and feel even better. 

What do you wear when you workout? Share your own get glam tips! 

xo Shannon

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

running is life with the volume up.

Fitness buff? Hardly. I admire people who genuinely love to work out. For me, it has always been a struggle to stay active. Often I refer to myself as an "indoor cat." Largely because my hobbies include eating and curling up on the couch. Okay....those hobbies might be fun....but they aren't necessarily good. At least not in excess. Which is why I have started to make some changes in my life. My eating habits are typically that of a child. Hot dogs, mac and cheese, french fries. Need I say more? Over the last several months I have been trying to balance that out. At least a little! More vegetables, protein rich foods, and fibre. It hasn't been easy but I have definitely noticed a difference.

Something else I have been doing? Working out. Typically I do a workout DVD three times a week and run home from work two to three times a week. The truth? Running has become a big source of both pain and pride for me. Pain because it hurts. A lot. Especially when I push myself to go faster and longer. Pride because I am doing something. Instead of taking the bus home from work each day, I am pushing myself. I am challenging my body and mind. I am getting stronger.

Over the last week or two I have really started to notice the difference. It takes longer for me to feel winded and tired. And I don't have to stop as often or at all. That doesn't mean the painful parts of running have subsided (I am currently very sore as I write this....)  but I feel good. I feel strong, positive, and focused. It amazes me just how rewarding running can be.

That feeling is what inspired today's post. I came up with a little running inspired outfit for fall. Now that the weather is getting cooler I have started to layer, choose thicker pieces, and even wear gloves. My go to look? Bright colours. Fashionable workout wear just makes me feel better about what I'm doing! So, with that being said, here is my typical fall workout look.......

Running has become an important part of my life. I might prefer a night of Netflix to a long sweat session, but I am pushing myself in new and unexpected ways. And that? That makes me proud.

What do you think of this outfit? What do you wear when you workout?

xo Shannon
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